Welcome Wifi Password Free Printable

Mar 26, 2018

We live in an age where one of the first questions out of most of our house guests mouths is “what’s your wifi password?” Now I wouldn’t say that’s the first thing I ask, but after I’ve been over a few times…I do ask that lol.

This beautiful welcome wifi password free printable is super cute and will look great displayed in any home. It’s 5×7 inches so you won’t have a hard time finding a frame for it.

Welcome Wifi Password Free Printable. Wifi password sign for 5x7 frame. Share your wifi network and password with your guests. #freeprintable #wifipassworddecor #wifipasswordsign


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Welcome Wifi Password Free Printable. Wifi password sign for 5x7 frame. Share your wifi network and password with your guests. #freeprintable #wifipassworddecor #wifipasswordsign


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Hello! My name is Jessica Autumn.

I am a mother of two, a Veteran, and a child of God. I love being with my family, friends, and my two crazy dogs. I believe happiness is the key to having a successful life. Not the other way around.

My goal is to help you get inspired and organized so you can start living the life of your dreams!

1 Comment

  1. So cute. And handy for friends.


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