Top 10 Things You Need To Know About Both Presidential Candidates

Oct 28, 2016

Some people know who they are voting for, some are on the fence, and some have decided to sit out for the upcoming presidential election. Whatever the case, the fact remains that in less than two weeks either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will be our next president and we the people will be the ones that have to live with the outcome.

The determination will affect each and every one of us so it’s a pretty big deal. Honestly, I’m not going to discuss the third-party candidates because none of them even have the slightest chance at winning. There’s really no point in even voting for them but to each their own. It’s a free country and we want to keep it that way. But I do want to lay out the facts about both candidates that you need to know to help you make an informed decision.

Top 10 Things You Need To Know About Both Presidential Candidates. Some people know who they are voting for, some are on the fence, and some have decided to sit out for the upcoming presidential election. Whatever the case, the fact remains that in less than two weeks either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will be our next president and we the people will be the ones that have to live with the outcome. So let’s go over the big issues and a bit about what America would look like under the presidency of each candidate, shall we?

To the people who know who they are voting for… I hope you are voting based on facts and not your feelings or who others say you should vote for. Our feelings can change at the drop of a dime and have no business in determining major decisions. And not everyone gives good advice. Be careful and do your own research.

To the people who are on the fence… It’s great you’re using your head in figuring out who the best candidate will be. So many people chose not to look past their Facebook news feeds for their information. As a concerned American, I thank you and I hope this post helps you pick a side that you can feel good about.

To the people who have decided to sit this one out…You think we are all doomed with either candidate or that your vote doesn’t matter but that couldn’t be further from the truth. We would be living in two different America’s depending on who is chosen. These candidates policies are very different. And every vote does matter.

I highly suggest taking a look at Donald Trump’s policies and Hillary Clinton’s policies to compare. But I understand not everyone has the time or desire to read policies ?… So let’s go over the big issues and a bit about what America would look like under the presidency of each candidate, shall we? Here are the top 10 things you need to know about both presidential candidates.


It’s no secret that radical Islamic terrorists pose a major threat to America and the world for that matter. Not all Muslims are terrorist but most terrorists are Muslims.  How many attacks need to happen before everyone realizes that?

Trump wants to be more careful about who we let into our country. Clinton wants to bring in thousands of Syrian refugees.

Both ideas sound nice, right? Well..not quite. Europe has welcomed millions of these refugees with open arms and a large percent of European citizens are now paying the price. Many of these people coming in are fighting-aged men, not families. And it’s been proven that ISIS has wormed their way into their midst. Not really shocking when you think about it.

Trump wants to take extra precautions so we can avoid as many terrorist attacks as possible. Clinton has not presented any plan to make sure we aren’t letting in terrorists but would make it easier for them to make their way here.


The idea of everyone having affordable healthcare sounds great. But the reality is Obamacare has been terrible. It’s completely unaffordable and killing our working class citizens. For starters, no one should be forced to have health insurance and then get a $695 penalty per adult and $347 per child because they couldn’t afford the insurance! That’s simply a huge scam on the American people.

Trump wants to get rid of Obamacare completely. Clinton wants to modify Obamacare.

Again, both sound good but we can’t be 100% sure of the outcome of either candidate’s proposal. I think I can speak for the majority of Americans when I say the Affordable Care Act being thrown out sounds like a huge relief. But what about modifying it to fix the flaws? Clinton plans to lower overall costs which needs to happen but this could potentially raise the cost of the penalties for people who choose to forgo coverage, which should be a person’s right to do if they so choose.

3.Economy and taxes

Our economy is very far from thriving. Most people are struggling to make ends meet and are driving themselves crazy in the process. Something certainly needs to be done and fast.

Trump plans to lower taxes for working families and businesses. Clinton talks about raising taxes on the super rich. Both want to make sure the wealthy pay their fair share.

Lowering taxes on businesses would be a great incentive to bring back some jobs into the country. Donald Trump is a business man and knows exactly how to encourage manufacturers to come back and help small business owners to hire more employees. And lower taxes would lift a heavy burden from millions of Americans.

Hillary Clinton wants to raise taxes and this could possibly cause more jobs to leave or shut down altogether. Of course, this has already been an issue that has been negatively impacting our American families for years. So instead of continuing down the same path, we need to see some changes with job growth on American soil.


Immigration is a beautiful thing. This is one of the biggest reasons I am proud to be an American. Anyone can be an American regardless of where they are from or their race. Great minds from all over the world come here to pursue the American dream. But what about the immigrants who break the law to get here instead of going the legal route and gaining their citizenship? Not really off to a good start.

Trump wants to deport illegal immigrants, build a wall (with a door) between us and Mexico, and give them the ability to make their way back legally. Clinton wants open borders and wants to give citizenship to illegal immigrants.

Deportation can seem a bit harsh. Many of them have families here that they would have to leave behind or take with them. While there are many hardworking families that came to America illegally, the fact remains that they broke the law and shouldn’t get rewarded for it.

Open borders are not a good idea. There is no sugar-coating it. It’s unrealistic to think we don’t have enemies that can come right in. National security should be a top priority of our next president.

5.Second Amendment

The right to bear arms is taken for granted and even frowned upon by many people. Every human being should be able to defend themselves and their families. But what about all the shootings that have been happening? Out of all the gun related crimes that happen in America, only about 3% of those people were legal gun owners. That means most of the criminals got their guns illegally. Take away the law-abiding citizens guns and the bad guys will still have guns. Scary thought really.

Trump believes that our law enforcement officers do a “tremendous job” but can’t always be everywhere so we need a national right to carry. This would make it easier for citizens to carry and would make everyone in our nation much safer (even citizens who don’t carry). And what better way to deter criminals than for them to know there is a very big chance a good guy also has a gun?

Clinton will expand background checks and make it tougher for criminals to buy guns. The less crazy people with guns the better. But while she says she supports the second amendment, she also said Australian style gun control was “worth looking at”. Australia is a defenseless country since the government disarmed their people. The criminals still have guns of course so the crime has definitely went up.

Related: Quick Guide To Owning A Gun For Beginners

6.Foreign policy

Getting along with our neighbors around the world is so important. I think I can skip talking about why. Nobody wants to see WWIII anytime soon (well nobody that’s sane that is). Our next president needs to have a good strategy for dealing with foreign powers, especially the big boys. Russia and China. I’m not saying we don’t have a powerful military but it’s best not to send them into harms way unless absolutely necessary.

Trump wants to get along with Russia and has said how great this would be many times. That would be ideal. Vladimir Putin has praised Trump on many occasions and it would be nice to strengthen our deteriorating alliance with them.

Clinton has repeatedly blamed Russia for hacking the DNC’s servers without any proof and has even made subtle threats that we will take the fight to anyone that commits a cyber attack. If Russia did hack into U.S. servers, obviously that’s wrong. Cyber attacks are a big deal. If it is proven that it was Russia, I would fully support our military taking some sort of action. But until then, I think it would be very dangerous to have our president making threats to countries with nuclear missiles without any evidence to back it up.


There are a lot of people basing who they are voting on solely on the benefits that they can get or what they could potentially lose. Many people who are raised in a home that relies on government assistance (been there so I know what I’m talking about) don’t know anything else. The idea of a family losing food stamps when they are barely making it can be scary. We all have to eat.

Many people vote democrat because of this reason. I suggest checking out the movie “Hillary’s America” (it’s in Redbox). It talks about the history of the democratic party and how they have used poor people to get votes since the 1960s. They give the people just enough to keep the votes coming. Let’s be real. Welfare is bare minimum and is no way to live.

People are scared Trump will take away their benefits. This should only scare lazy people that don’t want to work. Trump wants to bring jobs in so people can get off welfare and start making real money. This won’t happen over night, of course. If Trump is elected, rest easy. Your food stamps won’t magically disappear until you’re on your feet and can start really supporting your family.

Clinton is an extension of Obama. Remember when Obama promised a stimulus check and never delivered? That’s typical of democratic leaders. They like to say lots of great things around election time and never deliver.

8.Media persona

The media hates Trump and loves Clinton. That’s plain as day. But why? Is it because they would never lie to us or spin the story for their own gain?

Trump is a racist bigot and Clinton is a saint.  She can do no wrong. It’s great to air the presidential candidate’s dirty laundry. That’s expected. But just for one candidate?  Come on now. That’s why only 6% of people actually trust the media.

The media is a big reason Trump has such a massive  amount of supporters. The people have wised up and know if the media says something, it’s probably very far from the truth. Don’t listen to everything you hear on CNN.

9. Their character

Trump has had three marriages, built a billion dollar company, and genuinely loves America. He has talked about the corruption going on in Washington for over 30 years now and how he would like to help the people. He doesn’t always chose the right words and is seen by many as offensive.

Clinton used to be a lawyer and defended a man that raped a 12-year-old girl. She was even recorded admitting that she knew he was guilty. She said that after performing a polygraph test on the man, it had “forever destroyed her faith” in polygraphs. She also ignored 600+ requests for additional security for the  soldiers in Benghazi , which resulted in the deaths of four Americans. Her list of corruption and negligence goes on and on.

10. Abortion

You’re either pro-life or pro-choice. Each candidate is the same way. It’s said that a woman should be able to choose since it’s her body. But actually, her baby has it’s own body. I too once bought into the lie of it’s a “woman’s right” to choose. This was before I actually had a baby growing inside of me. Sucking the brains out of a baby is not okay. It’s murder. The only people who think it is okay are either heartless or continue to believe the lie that is shoved down our throats by modern-day feminist. Make your decision not to have a baby in the bedroom, not at an abortion clinic.

Trump is pro-life. He doesn’t support murdering innocent babies in the womb. Some say he is a man so he has no business with what a woman does with her body. But it takes two to make a baby (no matter how much some people wished it didn’t). Men have just as much of a right as a woman to be against killing little babies.

Clinton is pro-choice. She believes it’s okay for women to have an abortion into the last days of pregnancy. This is absolutely disgusting. Many babies are born at 30 weeks and grow into healthy children. It’s wrong at any stage but how could anyone think killing a FULLY FORMED child is normal? But what about if a woman is raped or has a medical condition? Only 1% of abortions are performed because of a rape or medical issue. So that means the rest of women having an abortion are doing it as a form of birth control.

So who do you vote for?

This is your choice. I won’t tell you who you should vote for. Obviously, I do not support Hillary Clinton. She goes against everything that I believe is right. I have tried very hard to find positive things about this woman, but I cannot. If you can vote for her with a clear conscious than that’s your business.

I voted for Donald Trump because America needs a change and Hillary will only lead us down the same road we are currently on. Could we have had some better choices? Yes and no. No one is perfect so we can always say there is someone better. But no, I don’t think we could have a better choice. Who else could have run against the corrupt leaders and made it this far?

No one could have taken the beating that Trump has had to endure this whole election from the media and only a wealthy person could have had their own security, so no “accidents” could happen. He’s also self-funded his campaign instead of accepting money from special interest groups like Hillary has done.

And to my fellow Christians… I understand if you wish we had a more Christian candidate but the truth of the matter is Christians have not been doing their job or else we would have that ideal Christian person running. No one is perfect besides God. At least Trump acknowledges God instead of trying to push him out even more. One of the godliest things we can do right now is to keep that evil woman out of the white house.

One of these two people will take control over our country. Trump wants to give power back to the people and Clinton wants to give the government more control over our lives. You can sit out but then you have no right to complain about the outcome. And what’s the harm in just casting your vote? Most of the polls show Trump losing. But what better way to discourage voters than to make it look like he doesn’t have a chance? You don’t have to wait until November 8th to vote. There is early voting going on pretty much everywhere now. Our freedom is at stake. We can’t do much alone but together we can make a huge difference for the future of ourselves and our families.

??GET OUT AND VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??

Who are you voting for? Let me know in the comments below either way! TRUMP2016!!!!

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Hello! My name is Jessica Autumn.

I am a mother of two, a Veteran, and a child of God. I love being with my family, friends, and my two crazy dogs. I believe happiness is the key to having a successful life. Not the other way around.

My goal is to help you get inspired and organized so you can start living the life of your dreams!


  1. As a Canadian, we have some worries about the direction that Trump is going to take the US. Will a wall get put up between us and the US? Will I be able to take my kids to Disneyland in a couple years? I know the free healthcare in Canada isn’t the best in the world, but no one has to pay for necessary procedures.
    Also, I believe the Christian thing to do would be to let in refugees. I do agree with your stance on abortion though.
    But this whole election was a bit of a joke. I wish Obama could have stayed in for another term… from a Canadian perspective… not sure how I would feel if I lived in the US. I guess if the Trump doesn’t declare war on Canada, I shouldn’t complain.

    • Hello, Jules. I understand some people are very leery of Trump, but I feel that has a lot to do with the media demonizing him. He has made it very clear that there will be a big door in the wall for legal citizens to come into the U.S. through. Most of Americans know that illegal immigration has negatively affected our country and we need to start enforcing our laws. Even the legal immigrants want a wall. There is a process that everyone needs to follow, not just some people. The Bible actually speaks of a one world order that satan will bring about in the end times. That is exactly what Clinton and Obama stand for, open borders. Trump wants to keep our sovereignty. Have you been seeing what has happened to Germany since they have let so many unvetted immigrants in? Letting millions of uncivilized people into a civilized country is a terrible idea. God gave us all a brain so we can protect ourselves. Obama has hurt America so much. Our police and military members are constantly disrespected and killed. That happened under his watch. Most Americans are very happy to see him go. Trump and the people he surrounds himself with will shock the world soon enough (in a good way ?). I’m excited for the changes that will be made. Trump wants to get along with everyone, but not at our nation’s expense. He’s a very intelligent man. You will see when you come here in the next couple of years! Best wishes!


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