This 1 Thing Will Get You Banned From Applying To Google Adsense

Most website owners want to get approved by Google Adsense so they can start making money. We all hear how great Adsense is and dream of the day when we can display their ads on our site. Maybe you have even applied to them already, but got denied. It happens to pretty much everyone (myself included). Can you guess what this 1 thing that will get you banned from applying to Google Adsense is?


Applying to Google Adsense

Yep. That will get you banned. Just simply applying to their ad company multiple times to try to get their approval will give you the message I received above. And you may be thinking well maybe she applied over and over or did it recently.

Nope. I haven’t applied to Google in over a month and only applied once a week for a month or so before giving up on them.

And after that happens don’t expect to be able to do anything about it. Google Adsense has the worst possible customer service. They have no phone number to contact and ignore your emails. So that means once you get banned, you’re done.

Who knows? Maybe down the road I would be able to apply again. But I am not going to hold my breath or even try again. I know so many people that have been blacklisted from them (which is way worse) over stupid things. One guy’s friend got on his website and clicked a few of his ads thinking he was helping him. The blogger got banned and he had no idea why at first. I imagine many trolls go around doing that to people. And who are you going to explain your situation to at Google? Nobody.

Related: How I Got 236k Pageviews In 2 Weeks {In My 3rd Month Blogging}

So what should you do?

If you are not currently blocked from applying yet. I suggest you hold off before you reapply. Google AdSense is very fickle, so work on your content and apply maybe once every 2 weeks maximum (more to be safe). But don’t get too worked up about it. I’ve been making decent money going through for a couple months now.

And ads aren’t the only way to make money from your site. Work on your affiliates and do a couple sponsored posts if you would like. Work on growing your loyal readers. Build their trust and they will buy from you when you refer products you believe in to them. Check out my blogging recommendations to see the affiliate companies that I use. 

So what am I going to do now?

Did you know most of the big bloggers don’t even use Google Adsense? They are actually going through either Adthrive or The Bloggers Network. You have to have 100,000 monthly page views to apply to Adthrive and 80,000 monthly page views to apply for The Bloggers Network.

These companies essentially run your ads for you and negotiate you the highest possible rate. That’s how they make money so they never charge you for their services. Many bloggers make anywhere from $6-$11 per 1000 pageviews. That’s much higher than .50-$2 (give or take) from the majority of Ad companies.

I recently applied to both (but will drop the other for Adthrive in a heartbeat). It’s been a week so far, but I’ll be updating this post soon so I can let you know how long it takes to get approval.

*Update: I got accepted after about 2 weeks and my income has increased dramatically! But they won’t set the ads up on your site until you have had 30 days of steadily high traffic.

Have you been banned from Google Adsense? Let us know your story in the comments below.

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This 1 Thing Will Get You Banned From Applying To Google Adsense. Most people have heard of getting banned after you get accepted from Google Adsense, but be careful. This one thing could get you banned before you even get started.

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  1. Thanks for the heads up and sorry this happened to you. I tried a few times but haven’t tried recently. I don’t see many people I follow using it anyway. I hope you hear back from the other networks soon.


    • Hey, Ashley. I haven’t seen many people using them as well. They are too much of a headache to deal with. Thanks and best wishes to you!

  2. Sorry that happened to you. I’m going to try to sign up soon, may the odds be ever in my favor…

    • Hello, Jaye. Hopefully, you will have better luck than me ?

  3. I got my Adsense account because I was using blogspot at the time. Once approved, you can make ad boxes for any website.

  4. That’s really unfortunate. Glad you were able to find better alternatives though. I personally failed nine applications myself within 5 months last 2015 and got approved by December 30 so I don’t know what else happened with your case. It is a good thing you warn others about it though.

    • Hello, Ray. I have heard pretty much everyone gets turned away from Google at least a few times before they get accepted. They are definitely picky, but it’s awesome that you got accepted ?

      • Thanks for that tip!! I’ve applied and have on ad on my blog. What I can’t figure out is how to get like “kmart” ads to pop up, or sears, etc. like when i visit other sites? Thats what I’m looking for and I’m hoping I can get it figure out!! Thanks so much

        • Hey Brooke. Hmmm…maybe you are seeing native ads on those other sites. The computer can track what you search for and shows that to you when you visit other sites. Or…I’ve never used Google Adsense, but I have heard you can get very particular with what ads are displayed on your site. With I never really got a choice.

  5. Yes, i got denied, but not blocked, yet, LOL. I will try another ad company. I don’t have many pageviews yet, so not sure of any company that will accept me. thanks for the info!!!

    • Hello, Brooke. LOL that’s good you didn’t get blocked, though…Hopefully, you don’t join the club ? will accept you for sure. There is no minimum pageviews.

  6. Hi Jessica,
    I used Adsense for years. On a good month I would get from $175-$200. I switched to WordPress and after a year my site started crashing. There were a few things going on, but one problem might have been the Adsense plugin. I talked to a friend who directed me to Mediavine. I am in LOVE, and wondered why I wasted so much time with Adsense. I am now making $1200-1300 a month, and I’ve only been using them since May of 2016. The plus, you only need 30,000 page views a month to be accepted. I highly recommend Mediavine, Go check them out!


    • Hello, Sheena. I agree, once you get a taste of the premium ad networks you don’t recommend anything else! I was making pennies with compared to what AdThrive is paying me. That’s great Mediavine pays that much more. I’ve heard a bit about them. Thanks for the tip!

  7. Adsense is a rip off. Congrats on getting accepted by Adthrive. Can’t wait for my turn someday, soon, by the lord’s grace. Does the 30 day period have to start from 1st-last day of the month? Please tell me a little more about your experience with Adthrive. Thanks in advance. 🙂 God bless you.

    • Hello Ammz! Yea, I’m glad I didn’t get accepted with them honestly. Then I might have stayed with them and not found Adthrive. You will have your turn, especially with God on your side! ? Nope, the 30 period starts from when you get a good increase in traffic to show consistency and that you can keep up the higher traffic. Adthrive has been awesome! I’ve been making about $7 per 1000pv compared to $1 with They are also working to offer their bloggers sponsored post opportunities. I’m really looking forward to that. They really do everything they can to make us more money. Best of luck to you!


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