10 Reasons To Start A Blog (And 5 Reasons Not To)

Everyone wants to be able to work from home these days. I hear it all the time from my family, friends, and readers. But no one knows where to start so they want to start a blog just like I did. 

You know what I tell them?

Blogging might not be right for you. It could be a complete waste of time.

There are plenty of work at home jobs out there that you can get a guaranteed paycheck from. Blogging is not like that. There is no guarantee that you will make money. What you make is all on you. Just like if you start a restaurant and you get no business. That means you put in a lot of work and wasted money in the process.

Can you make money by starting a blog? Yes, for sure. But it’s not for everyone. Blogging is hard work. You are literally starting your own business! We all weren’t created to be entrepreneurs.

Ever heard of high risk, high rewards? And low risk, low rewards? Blogging is riskier than working for an online company, but the rewards if you stick with it will blow working for someone else out of the water. 

So I decided to put together some reasons you SHOULD start a blog and SHOULDN’T start a blog so you can know if this whole blogging thing is right for you.

10 Reasons You Should Start A Blog

1. Your income depends entirely upon you. Not everyone likes the idea of this. That’s why they work a 9-5. But an entrepreneur loves this. The only thing that can hold back how much you make is you. I don’t know about you, but I find that super exciting!

2. You can work from anywhere in the world!

3. Blogging is really flexible. You can work whenever you want.

4. Passive income! I love passive income! You know…make money while you sleep? As a blogger, you literally work hard and get to play hard too. Plus make money while your playing! Can’t beat that.

5. People listen to you. You will start growing a following of people that want to hear what you have to say and even your friends and family will be fascinated by your career choice. And trust me…I remember how silly I felt telling people what I did before I was making money with my blog. But guess what? I proved everybody wrong and so can you!

6. Blogging teaches you new things. I had no idea how to do anything online besides use Facebook and Google before I started my blog. Now I have the knowledge to do freelance work here and there doing things like Pinterest management and running Facebook ads. You never know what you’re going to learn!

7. Starting a blog is seriously the cheapest business you can start! Imagine trying to start a used car dealership. You have to pay for all kinds of things. I said blogging is high risk, high rewards for a reason. Starting a business is risky. But honestly, blogging is so low cost I don’t know if it’s actually considered high risk. But compared to working for someone else it is.

8. You could become internet famous. Now, I’m not even talking about some of those YouTube superstars. But there are some bloggers out there that are super famous in the blogging world. One day it would be so cool to join the ranks…I’ll never give up! ?

9. Meet awesome people. There are so many amazing people in the blogging world and most of us support one another. It’s such a great community to be a part of!

10. You get a chance to help people. That’s the whole point behind blogging…helping others in the areas we have experience in. You don’t have to be an expert to teach someone something. You just have to know more than they do about something (remember that piece of advice if you start a blog).

5 Reasons You SHOULDN’T Start A Blog

1. Less free time. When you first start a blog, you will need to put in a lot of effort if you want to grow it quickly. So instead of watching your favorite TV shows, you will be focused on growing a business. Is it worth it to you and could you give those things up for a time? Now if you want to grow your blog slowly, then you can still have the best of both worlds. But I’ve found if you intend to grow slowly, it might not ever grow at all.

2. You will have to share things about yourself. Not everyone likes telling people about themselves and as a blogger, your readers will want to get to know you. Is this something you are okay with?

3. You will be on the internet a lot. This is one reason I personally don’t like what I do, but obviously, it’s not a deal breaker. I believe in doing more things offline than on, but it’s hard when you work online for a living.

4. You may never make any money. This one is big for some people. You don’t decide one day to set up a blog and then someone starts sending you a check every other week. Nope…blogging is all about learning and figuring out what works. But let me tell you…making money with your blog is completely possible if you put in the effort it takes.

5. You will have to write. Not everyone likes writing. If you don’t like writing, maybe you should look into vlogging instead. Not me…I don’t like making videos lol! But to each their own.

(Want to start a blog, but you don’t have any idea of how to set it up? This free tutorial on how to start a profitable blog walks through the exact steps you need to take. It’s super easy…even if you aren’t tech savvy at all 😉 I’ve even included a video tutorial if you prefer that over text. You can find the tutorial here.)

So should you really start a blog?

We are all different in so many ways. And that means there are things in life we just aren’t meant to do.

But that’s what I love about blogging! I guarantee you are passionate about something, right? It doesn’t matter what it is, I know you aren’t the only one and that means others would love to hear what you have to say!

I want you to answer one simple question to really figure out if starting a blog is really something you WANT to do. We aren’t going to get into rather if you CAN because anyone can do this. All you need is a desire and determination. But if you don’t really want to do this then that’s how you know blogging is not for you (and being scared isn’t the same thing as not wanting to).

Do you want a chance to create your dream life?

We live in an amazing time. There has never been so many ways for just your average person to be able to work from anywhere and make great money doing it. You might think everything has been said and you missed your window to do this. I know because I too once thought those same things.

That was a little over two years ago. I’ve found that, yes, pretty much every TOPIC has been written about but we all have our own ways of presenting it. It took me three months to start making a little bit of money and I was making $2300 in my 7th month. Was it easy? No, far from it. But where would I be now if I didn’t start two years ago? I wouldn’t be any closer to living my dream life.

And that’s another thing. Many people think it’s all or nothing in this business. Yes, there are some bloggers that are making $100k a month from their blogs. That’s a great goal to have, but that’s not going to happen anytime soon (most likely). But making a modest income is actually very easy to do and the Internet is not too full for you! I say that because I was worried about that, even after I’d started mine.

We all want to do something really great but we have to start somewhere. If you want to start a blog, just do it. If you have another dream, just do that. But you have to start and take steps (even baby steps) every day to turn your dream into a reality.

Another amazing perk of becoming a blogger

No matter what it is you want to do, I can pretty much guarantee you that blogging can help launch your career. These days it’s all about online presence. If you can grow a following online the sky’s the limit for you.

Have any questions or comments? Let me know down below!

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