You might be thinking there is no way these false religions could ever help Christians, but I beg to differ. Now I am a devout Christian and I take that very seriously. I also take the Bible very seriously. I do not believe in twisting it to make it fit an individual’s sinful lifestyle. The Bible is priceless. This is the first place we should look to for instruction on how we need to live our lives. Everything we need to know to get us to heaven is in this book. So if that is the case then how can other religions help Christians?
That’s kind of like asking how can a car help Christians or how can math help Christians? God has given us a whole world full of knowledge to help us in our walk with him. Yes he wants us to put Him first, but He doesn’t want us to go through this life ignorant on things in the world.
Acts 13:47 says “For this is what the Lord has commanded us: “I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.” After achieving our own salvation, wouldn’t you agree this is the main thing God wants us to do with our time here on earth? How are we supposed to help others get saved if we don’t educate ourselves? What happens if someone says all religions are the same? But you only know your own. You will have a very poor argument against them and it’s probably not going to help them get saved.
So after you learn about other religions, do you think it would be right for a Christian to bash other religions or would it be better to acknowledge some positives? Plus other religions can help our individual walks with God. By no means do I agree with most things in any of these religions, but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate some of the finer aspects of them.
Yoga! This is my absolute favorite thing from these other religions. It just makes you feel amazing. It helps increase flexibility, muscle strength, energy, balance, weight loss, promotes better sleep among so many other benefits. This practice is becoming very popular in the Western world which is awesome!
Hindus embrace living in your present state in life, and not stressing about the past and future. It can be hard to live in the present, but it matters the most. God doesn’t promise us tomorrow because he wants us to make the most of now.
Hinduism is one of the oldest religions because it is a constantly evolving process. The Hindus are always questioning their beliefs and improving. Now, I am not saying God evolves because he doesn’t. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. But WE need to constantly evolve in our walk with God. We aren’t meant to have the same relationship with God today that we did 10 years ago or will have 10 years from now.
As Christians, we need to be knowledgeable about our Bible. I’ve questioned it and guess what happened? I didn’t find holes in the Bible. Instead, I started to understand it better and it strengthened my faith. We also need to question ourselves. Are the things we do Biblical or just the traditions of man? Just because your family has attended a certain church for generations does not make it a biblical church.
Philippians 2:12 says, “Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” There are many people in your Bible that followed the traditions of man and are not in heaven. I am sure they thought they were correct since it had always been done like that, but if God didn’t let Moses into the promised land because he struck the rock twice instead of speaking to the rock like God had told him to what makes you think He won’t be strict about how you get into heaven? Don’t be afraid to stand out from the crowd, even if it’s all you know.
Buddhists work for the happiness of others and believe money and material things will not make human beings happy. Now, doesn’t that sound like some advice we should listen to? Jesus teaches us to live like this as well.
My favorite thing about Buddhism is meditation. It helps us to become more aware, kind, and wise. It’s like exercise for your mind. Studies have shown that regular meditation promotes mindfulness and the benefits of this include decreased stress, anxiety, asthma, depression, PMS symptoms, insomnia, control of blood sugar in type 2 diabetes, and overall general well-being. I love meditation and it has really helped me in my life. You may say that meditation would take away time from God. Even 5 minutes of mindful breathing meditation a day can benefit you. I imagine you probably spend more time on the Internet or watching TV and that is what is really taking away from your time with God.
There are so many ways to meditate. You can even meditate on the word of God. Meditation is really about being mindful of what is going on in the present and not allowing your mind to race around about a million things at once.
I really like how they believe that attempts to translate the meanings of the Qur’an, their holy text, to other languages are flawed. They believe Arabic is the true language of their God’s revelation. The Christian Bible was originally written in Hebrew and Greek. I am thankful that it was translated into English, but no language can ever be fully translated. Jesus was never called Jesus until about 500 years ago when his name was translated for the third time. No one ever called him that when he walked the earth. His name was Yeshua. Some people say it doesn’t matter. But would you like for someone to call you another name because of translation or just use your given name?
Not enough people fully grasp the differences. There are so many words in the original text are lost in our English versions. Yes, I believe a person can be saved by reading the English version, but there are too many arguments over how people interpret what it is saying. The original version doesn’t leave much room for improper interpretation.
The 5 Pillars of Islam are also a good idea. They have a Creed (Shahada), Daily Prayer (Salat) 5x daily prayer wherever they are, Almsgiving (Zakat), Fasting (Sawm), and Hajj to Mecca (their holy city) if possible in their lifetime. I don’t really know about the creed part, but the rest is great. Christians relationship with God would be strengthened so much by praying more, paying their tithes, fasting, and how cool would it be to walk where Jesus walked!
Yes, I know they are Christians as well, but I felt it was necessary to add them. Amish are Christian separatists. They live a simple lifestyle. The children are raised bilingual. They believe in being hospitable to everyone, even people who are not Amish. They grow their own food and make their own clothes. These are all good things. Jesus lived a simple life and we are supposed to strive to be more like Him. Now I understand we live in a different time, but this rat race we live in is ridiculous. People are too concerned with material things and lose sight of what is really important. The devil is very good at distracting us from God.
The Amish have strong family units and spend plenty of quality time together since there are no TVs and other modern distractions. The breakdown of the family unit is a major contributor to many of the problems that we see today.
They also have very tight-knit communities. There are still some churches around that are sort of like this. Child rearing is so much better when you have people who help each other.
There is a greater emphasize on vocational training, rather than formal education like in our society. Formal education is great, but teaching a child a trade would also be very beneficial to them. Especially boys and young children in general, they have a very hard time sitting still in a classroom and sometimes learn very little in the process.
Related: 9 Reasons Public Schools Are Failing Our Society.
Health and physical fitness are also very important there. They eat food without all the junk in it and they are very active throughout the day rather than sitting on the couch eating potato chips and watching TV. It is so easy for us to feel like after a long day, we just want to “relax” and watch some TV. But is that really relaxing us or just distracting us from real life? We are meant to move!
They believe in the ideal of Ahimsa, or non-harming. Jesus also believed in living a non-harming lifestyle. They also don’t worship to get something from their gods, but to strengthen their spirit. How many people pray and worship God to get something from Him like he is our personal genie in a bottle? I’ll just say most people. This is a practice Christians should definitely adopt.
Native Religions
They believe in connecting to the earth and have a strong reverence for animals, people, and the environment. When you go into the woods or anywhere outside the city, don’t you just feel good and rejuvenated? It feels like that because God created this whole world for us and it is what we crave deep within our souls. Just thinking about it makes me want to go in the woods right now and lie in the grass or swim in a cold spring or something! Doesn’t that sound better than trying to keep up with the Jones’? It gets so tiring. Also, how many people have no respect these days? Being mean to people and animals or polluting our environment. We need to respect everything around us.
There is truth to these religions. Just like everything in our world. It’s our job to learn as much as we can and ask God for discernment so we are not deceived. Don’t be fooled. The devil will try to trick you every chance he gets in every aspect our your life. With Jesus Christ on your side, Satan doesn’t stand a chance. We need to constantly strive to be better in all areas of our lives from our walk with God to who we are as a person. God Bless!
Related: Two Prayer Strategies That Will Change Your Life
Do you think other religions can help us? Let me know in the comments below with your answer. God bless!
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I thoroughly enjoyed your article. Now, I realize that I am not alone in this world. Peace, love, and happiness to you from another veteran.
Thank you. I’m glad you liked it. It’s nice to know I am not alone as well 🙂