Why Is It So Important For Christians To Fast? {Ultimate Guide}

Are you thinking that fasting seems nearly impossible or kind of pointless? Be honest. Anyone new to fasting thinks that. Myself included before I tried it. I never thought much about it, until I noticed my Pastor would mention fasting in his sermons pretty often. Fasting is very prevalent in the Bible. Even Jesus fasted, so I figured there must be something to it. Fasting, along with daily prayer, reading your Bible, and staying true to Gods word will help strengthen your relationship with Jesus. (Let’s just call these the Big 4.) He wants us to do great things, but we can’t do that if we don’t follow his basic teachings. Many people think that fasting is just getting rid of food. But really it is a time to say no to our flesh, which in turn strengthens our spirit. Read on to find out why it is so important for Christians to fast.

Why Is It So Important For Christians To Fast {Ultimate Guide}. Fasting never seemed like it was that important before. I am so glad I read this! The Bible talks a lot about fasting and we need to follow Jesus' example while he was here on earth.

Ephesians 6:12 tells us, “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places”. Without having a strong connection to God, we are going to have a hard time fighting these forces. Fasting from food is not the only type of fasting, but I will get into that more below.


God makes big moves in your life

When you sacrifice to Him like He wants you to, He will change your life and make it what He wants. And what He wants is always better than what we want. When I need answers, I fast.  Recently, I was facing a major decision, but I had no idea what to do.  God’s answer came to me while I was fasting and everything worked out.

It is hard to stay God-centered in this world.   We tend to want to do things our own way and put God on the back-burner. Then we just run around being mediocre at everything, and not being great like He wants us to be.  I feel so much more productive when I am praying, fasting, and reading my Bible more. But it doesn’t take long to sink back into our old ways if we are not careful. We are all works in progress, but the more we seek Him the less we will stray off down the wrong path (and for not as long).

Breaks Addictions

How much time do we waste a day on our smartphones or eating when we don’t really need to? And then how do you feel after? These things will never improve us. But when you give them up for a short while you will begin to see the beauty in life away from these things and eventually find yourself free from them.  It doesn’t matter how serious the addiction is, God will deliver you from it.

I was addicted to shopping (online and off) and subconsciously I knew it was a problem. But I loved the feeling I got after I bought something.  It took a while for me to realize that I couldn’t stop on my own, but as soon as I fully understand that I needed to change I prayed for deliverance from it.  I did the Big 4 as much as I could (effort is what matters to God, not perfection) and maybe a month or so later I didn’t feel like I needed to shop anymore.  It was so weird because I didn’t realize my prayer had been answered until some time later.  It’s nice reflecting back and remembering how I felt so out of control then and now I can tell myself no.  It’s very liberating.

Lose weight

Most of us could stand to lose a couple of pounds and fasting is a great way to do that. God wants us to be healthy and take care of the body He gave us.  Also, diets high in sugar and fat can lead depression and many other health problems.  Taking out certain foods for a short amount of time can help us to crave them less after we are done fasting.  Here is a great article discussing some health risks related to excess weight by HelpGuide.org.

Breaks Chains

This may sound confusing to some, but there really is a spiritual war going on in our world and inside of us. Our flesh (evil) vs. our spirit (good). Fasting helps to strengthen our spirits and break the chains of this world. We are all bound by sin in ways that we don’t even realize sometimes. Maybe you are bound by drug addiction, pornography, anger, greed, jealousy, or depression. Depression, anger, and greed had a hold of me, but God delivered me from them. I am not saying I don’t get angry or sad. But it’s not extreme like it used to be.

It’s easy to have a never ended list of wants in our materialistic world and feel like we need more, more, more.  But money will never make us happy.  I’ll tell you what will, though.  Peace in our hearts.  And trusting God in everything is the only way to have that. Period. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33).

We are only here temporarily.  Focus on the kingdom and God will fill your heart with joy during your short time here. You may think, it’s easier said than done. But again, don’t worry about being perfect.  It’s so hard to find a happy medium.  (Trust me I know all too well :)).   We think if we fail why would God help us and love us, but He made us imperfect for a reason.  He wants us to try our best and not give up on Him when times get tough.

Builds confidence

After completing fast after fast, you will begin taking back control over your life. Sometimes it seems as if our flesh is in control, but that’s only because we feed it instead of feeding our spirits. Obviously, we have to eat, but telling yourself no instills a sense of pride.

Helps you to Fully Understand Fasting

I now can’t imagine my life without fasting. My mind is so much clearer. I am bad about living on autopilot if I am not careful. I am able to live in the moment more often. God will continue to work on you little by little. As much as we want a dramatic change now, that probably won’t happen. Change takes a daily effort. Where do you want to be in 10 years? Still doing the same things for God or do you want to give more to God and watch Him out give you every single time?

How to Start:

Start small

Fasting, as many people know it, is giving up food and/or water for days and days. Maybe one day I will get there, but I am in no hurry. I’m not ready and I doubt you are either. Give up things that you like just one day a week. Some ideas for fasting include coffee, soda, meat, candy, surfing the Internet, watching TV, or playing video games. Just cut one thing out for a day and then work your way up to a week or whatever you feel is a good amount of time. At first, it will be very hard, but I promise you will be glad you did it.

Move up little by little

My first big fast was taking out food altogether until sundown each day for a week. I had a cup of coffee and water. It was so hard for the first couple of days. I felt a little light-headed and questioned what I was doing. I prayed for strength and made it through. God wants us to ask him for the strength to make it so we can learn to depend on him more and more in all areas of our lives. I had a major breakthrough during that time.  If you are stuck at a point in your life and don’t know how to move forward, fast and you will see God work it out.

Types of Fasts:

This is in no way every type of fast there is, just some ideas for you to consider. I have done all but the last one. You can fast for however long you feel you should. Don’t make it too easy, but don’t start out expecting to go 40 days without food. I actually suggest you shouldn’t do that. People have expected to be able to just jump right in and do it and some died of starvation. I honestly don’t think I will ever do that in my lifetime.

  • Take away one or two things you love (sweets, caffeine, etc.)
  • Fast from one meal a day.
  • Take out two meals a day.
  • No food, only water.
  • Smoothie and water only diet two days a week or every day for a week.
  • Daniel Fast- Daniel in your Bible did this. He went 21 days without meat or any other delicacies. There are plenty of lists of approved foods online that can help guide you. Some say no milk, but I always drink milk.
  • Jesus Fast- 40 days and 40 nights on only water. This is NOT for beginners! Others have done this, but please prepare yourself before attempting it. Ask your doctor, your pastor, and do your homework on it first.  Again, I will probably never even attempt this one.

I know you can do it. And I hope this helped you to understand it’s not all or nothing. If you break a fast, it is okay. It’s going to happen, but you will get better at it. If you eat a cookie don’t think you are done with the fast. Just jump right back into it! Don’t give up!

Related: Two Prayer Strategies That Will Change Your Life.

Do you think fasting is important? What kind of fast will do first? Let me know in the comments below.

Why Is It So Important For Christians To Fast {Ultimate Guide}. Fasting never seemed like it was that important before. I am so glad I read this! The Bible talks a lot about fasting and we need to follow Jesus' example while he was here on earth.

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  1. Excellent article, I appreciate the simplicity and humility very much : ) Fasting is absolutely a wonderful way to break chains and draw closer to Him, I haven’t been able to do it for months and wow, what a disaster : )

    I just wanted to say thanks after reading this, this is the second time recently that I’ve felt him nudging me to get at it again. Like I said, just wanted to say thanks!

    • Hey, Valerie. I have trouble getting back into it as well. It’s funny how we know what we need to do, but can have such a hard time actually doing it ? I’m glad you enjoyed it. God bless.

      • I’m embarrassed to admit that I struggle with it sometimes, but life gets busy (and weird, lol). I will say this, though, there is nothing I have ever experienced that brings me closer to him, or more deeply into his spirit. I took that nudge I told you about yesterday and began today, and I can already feel my communion with him being rekindled, the encumbrances of the stupid devil and world starting to have to bow to the One true God!!!! and my peace returning to me, praise the Lord ☺

        Bless you sis, take care ☺☺☺

        • Life sure does get weird sometimes lol. I am so happy for you. There is nothing better than feeling God’s peace. Everything else is fleeting. Stay encouraged and best wishes to you!

  2. Thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for.

    • Hello, Valerie. Happy to hear this was beneficial to you ?

  3. Hi Jessica,
    Your line about “how we just run around being mediocre at everything” struck a nerve. That’s me in a nutshell right now. I’m being mediocre in my faith, my marriage, my job, my relationships. I don’t want to be a mediocre person. I don’t think that is God’s plan for me. I will take your advice – start small and move up little by little. My biggest mediocre time waster is one or two game apps on my phone. I’m embarrassed to even admit it! I’m 56 years old and that’s how I spend a good deal of my free time? So as of right now, I will start small – 2 days a week – Sundays and Fridays – no game apps.
    Thank you for your words of wisdom. God’s blessings to you.

    • Hello Paula. It’s great to hear that you’re going to cut the game apps out those two days! It may sound kinda silly, but don’t all of our time wasters lol? ? I can easily get stuck just looking up mindless things on the internet or surfing Facebook if I’m not careful! Technology is so addicting! Just taking small steps like that can make a huge difference. Best of luck to you!


    • Thank you 🙂 God bless you too! Best wishes Dinesh.

  5. Fasting is a great way to connect with our Father and learn His ways. Most of my fast is done strictly without food and water from 12 midnight the day before to sometimes 3pm/6pm/8pm. During this time, I do my best to read the Bible and pray multiple times. I have seen and experience the goodness and glory in fasting as most of my fast requests have been realized, some have not and that does not stop me from continually fasting for them. After I have fasted asking God for things in my life, I will then go on to fasting, thanking Him for those things, faithfully believing that they will come to pass. Fast is not always about asking, it is about communing, being in one accord, understanding, meditating, etc. with God and thanking Him for all that He has done in my life. We might not get what we want when we want it when we fast but we surely will feel God’s presence during those times and enjoy it. Fasting has empowered me with a new mindset that the God we serve is an AWESOME God. My wife has being a BIG support as she will sometimes fast but not as long as I go, and she also encourages me.

    Thanks for sharing the word of God with others, it is highly appreciated and God will continue to bless and supply your needs “according to His riches in glory”.
    May God be with you, always!

  6. I really need to fast.


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