How To Determine What Kind Of Blog You Should Start

There are so many blogging niches that you can choose from. This will help narrow your blogs focus down to a certain topic or topics so that your audience can get the information they want or need from you. Let me explain further and give you some examples to help you understand better.

My blog is a lifestyle blog and I am so happy I chose that. My favorite blogger who inspired me to start my own blog also had a lifestyle blog. I didn’t know what to do so that sounded great to me. Running a lifestyle blog means I talk about lots of different topics because it’s all about living an overall better lifestyle. I have my main topics that you can see in my navigation bar along with some subtopics I try to stay within so I’m not talking about random things. A lifestyle blog has the most wiggle room of all of the niches.

(Want to start a blog, but you don’t have any idea of how to set it up? This free tutorial on how to start a profitable blog walks through the exact steps you need to take. It’s super easy…even if you aren’t tech savvy at all 😉 I’ve even included a video tutorial if you prefer that over text. You can find the tutorial here.)

But that doesn’t mean everyone should start a lifestyle blog

There are benefits to all niches. If you are searching Google for information on how to fix your car, you are not going to be looking for me to help you out with that. You are going to be looking for something more specific.

Now, before you decide on what niche you want your blog to be I want you to think about two things. What are you good at and what special knowledge do you have?

And remember, you don’t have to be an expert in any of the fields I am going to mention. You just have to have a good understanding of it to be able to help others that have a lesser understanding than you.

Blog Niche Examples

  • If you are really good with finances and budgeting, you could start a finance blog to help others make money, save money, and/or get out of debt, etc.
  • If you are a great cook, you could start a food blog. Then you can share your recipes and cooking knowledge with the world.
  • If you are good with hair and makeup, you could start a beauty blog to help teach others your tricks and tips.
  • If you are knowledgeable with the ins and outs of getting healthy and fit, you could start a fitness blog and help others achieve the results they want.
  • If you are a parent, you can easily start a blog teaching others what you have learned from your parenting journey.

The list of blogging niches is long, so I’m not going to mention every one of them here. You are going to need to decide on a domain name so finding your niche will really help you to do that.

I mean imagine if your domain name is but you want to write about how to create a budget. You could do it, but I can imagine there is a much more fitting domain name for that. Like See what I mean?

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