8 Ways To Be Happier Instantly By Relieving Stress And Anxiety

Stress can drain the life from all of us if we aren’t careful. I am the worse when it comes to stressing! I actually used to have panic attacks a few years back. That’s when I first realized I needed to make a change.

8 Ways To Be Happier Instantly By Relieving Stress And Anxiety. Thanks for these great ideas on how to reduce stress! I find myself being really anxious at work lately so it was perfect timing to find this article!I would just get so angry and every little thing would make me stress out to the max! Especially money issues. Lately, I’ve come to realize even though I don’t stress as bad as I used to, it’s time to make some more adjustments to my life.

These simple tricks can help you to become happier instantly by relieving stress and anxiety when you put them into action daily. We all have a million and one things to do every day and we absolutely MUST take time for our own wellbeing. Because if we don’t, our lives can just continue to pass us by and we will remain miserable. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to look back and remember how stressed I always was in my life. Wouldn’t it be much better to look back and think “wow, I really enjoyed my life to the fullest.” So check out the tips below and let’s work on this together!

1.Increase physical activity

A quick daily workout can make a world of difference in so many areas of our lives. But reducing our stress levels is a big one. When we work out, our body releases endorphins and we become much calmer and focused throughout the day.

And no you don’t have to work out like a madman to help you have less anxiety. Studies have shown even a 20-30 minute daily walk is enough. Plus, being outdoors is so awesome for our wellbeing!


Meditation is amazing! If you haven’t tried it, I can’t recommend it enough. There are so many different meditation techniques you could use, but the overall idea is that it is extremely relaxing.

How often do you feel relaxed? If it’s not very much, you need to find ways to relax and this is a great one. Try just focusing on your breathing for five minutes a night right before you fall asleep. I bet you sleep a million times better too!

3.Essential oils

Many people swear by essential oils for all kinds of things. While I’ve never tried rubbing them on my skin, I do use them for aromatherapy. I started it because my daughter’s skin was drying out in the winter, but I quickly noticed how much more calm I felt. Win, win!

What I do is put a few drops of essential oils in an aromatherapy diffuser. I really love the eucalyptus and peppermint oils! It’s so relaxing to just sit back, read a good book, and breathe in the refreshing smells!

4.Stop procrastinating

Pushing projects off until the last minute is something I’ve always done a lot of. But over the years I’ve noticed I feel so much better when I just get stuff done instead of waiting until I absolutely have to do it. The rushing

The rushing and anxiety involved in trying to get things done is kind of ridiculous and unnecessary when you really think about it.

5.Stop living in the past and/or future

If you don’t have this problem, I consider you so lucky! This can be so easy to do and very hard to change. This is another benefit of meditation Practicing mindfulness can help us to live more intentionally.

When we live with regrets or just can’t wait for that big promotion or new house we lose sight of what is happening right in front of us. I know the future can look so much better, but what happens when you actually get there? I guarantee you will find something else you just have to have or achieve before you are finally “happy”.

Trust me, I know from my own personal experiences. I still catch myself slipping back into this cycle sometimes (maybe more than I want to admit) but that’s the key to everything in life. We won’t ever be perfect at anything, but we can always work at getting better.

8 Ways To Be Happier Instantly By Relieving Stress And Anxiety. Thanks for these great ideas on how to reduce stress! I find myself being really anxious at work lately so it was perfect timing to find this article!

6.Make time for your passion

Human beings are creative by nature but a lot of the time we just get so busy or someone discouraged us somewhere along the line so we suppress that side of ourselves. What is it that you love to do? Painting, writing, running, etc. Whatever the case may be, that is the way you need to express yourself.

We all need an outlet to channel our creative energy through. If you don’t think you have a passion, dig deep. You have one even if you just may not know it yet. Your inner being knows there is something missing and that stress you feel is the need to let it out.

7.Distance yourself from toxic people

Toxic and negative people can ruin all the progress you are trying to make for yourself. And they can do it in an instant! Now, I understand not every negative person can be completely removed. Maybe you work with someone that is just downright nasty. You can’t change them, but you have to work with them right now so you can only change the way you see the situation.

So those aren’t the people I’m talking about right now. I’m talking about the “friends” you have. Even family members if need be. The saying you are who your friends are is so true. If all your friends ever do is put you down or try to hold you back, it’s time for new friends.

Yes, it’s hard getting out of your comfort zone but you will feel so much better once that negativity is gone from your life.

8.Slow down

I often wonder if the people alive today are the most miserable in the history of human existence. Many studies have shown that we are and I don’t question those results one bit. We can easily have anything we want, yet we are all so busy all the time and it’s ruining our lives!

This world has had a major shift in the past 200 years or so. People used to live more simple lives, do modest work and come home to enjoy their families. Even many other countries seem to be better at taking time off than the majority of more Westernized countries. The happiest people in the world seem to be the ones that aren’t breaking their necks to work hectic jobs that they hate so they can get a bunch of meaningless stuff that will never make them happy anyway.

We have to stop worrying so much about having to have everything and to be all we can be to the point it stops us from being truly happy. There is nothing wrong with having the drive to be and do better, but try slowing down a bit. You might just find that what you thought you needed isn’t really all that important to you.

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Which tip do you think is the most important for you to implement? Let me know in the comments below!

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