Are you just sick and tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Maybe a part of you knows there is another way. But there is also a part of you that is comfortable with the familiar. We are creatures of habit. Good habits or bad habits shape our future. Now, changing a habit isn’t easy, but it sure is worth it. Here are 6 easy ways to never be broke again.
A lot of people know me as the person that is never broke. Once I could make my own money at 16, I was ready to work for the things I wanted. I didn’t come from money either. My sister and I grew up part-time with our dad in his “country boy” doublewide trailer and part-time with our mom in the projects. I say that to get my point across that your background can only hold you back if you let it. If I can always have backup money in the bank, so can you.
I never really thought about it until my friend asked me how I always have money about a year ago. I just jokingly answered I don’t know, I just do. Then she asked again more serious “No really. How do you do it?” She has never been very good with money by the way. I told her some of my tricks but I know I didn’t give her a very good answer. I am much better at putting my thoughts down in writing. Not off the top of my head. So I got to thinking about what I actually do and here’s what I got for you.
1.Try not to impulse buy
Just wait for a couple of days and if you still want whatever it is, then get it. I know it is hard to resist, but if you must buy it keep the tags on it for a couple of days. Recently I bought a dress and it had been in the bag for two weeks. I found it and tried it on and decided I didn’t want it. That was $24.99 back in my pocket! You probably have lots of things you bought and never used. Waiting a bit really will help you to decide if it’s worth the money and over time those purchases that you didn’t make on a whim will add up big time.
2.Be careful at convenience stores
Do not buy anything from a convenient store if you can help it! They are ripping you off. This pretty much ties in with impulse buys. You can buy the same things at the grocery or dollar store for way cheaper. If you like cold drinks, buy a small cooler and keep it in your car with whatever you like in it. Just look at the numbers, one bottle of water from a gas station is about $1.5 and a pack of 24 bottles of water at a grocery store is about $3.5. If you buy 24 bottles of water from a gas station that equals right around $36! That’s just crazy.
If you have tried and failed to budget just try it for one month. See where you are spending money and cut out what is unnecessary. It will help you big time. For example, if you go out to eat three times a week you may not realize how much it is costing you. But after you write out your budget, you will see for just one person it is probably costing you around $10 per meal and in one month you are spending $120.
Things that you may think are little are costing you a lot of money. Most of us use debit cards these days so if you really don’t want to write all of your purchases down, then just look closer at your bank statement for the past month. You will see how many useless things you have bought and it will help you to spend more wisely.
4.Buy Secondhand
This is a major reason I always have money. Facebook yard sales, Craigslist, garage sales, and thrift shops are awesome! I have so much fun finding good deals. With yard sales, you can always try talking them down. You can sell used items for the same price you buy them for (or at least close to it) when you are done with it. I find practically brand new stuff for a fraction of the cost at the store. $1 T-shirts anyone? If your area doesn’t have a Facebook yard sale site, I suggest you start one. I’m on the sites in my area pretty often. I have seen beautiful $1000 washer and dryer sets go for free to whoever could pick it up first. I missed those, unfortunately.
Check out my article How To Make Quick Money On Facebook to learn how.
5.Learn some skills
Minimum wage jobs are meant for young teenagers and people who are going through a hard time. Some money is better than no money when we have families to provide for, but we have to strive for better at some point. Go get your GED, go get your college degree, get a technical degree, do your homework and learn how to start a business, or work your way up in management somewhere. The list is endless for what you can do so don’t be discouraged! There are so many ways to make more money in this world and especially in America. Making money is not mystical. If you learn and do some work, the money will come. The only person that can keep you down is you. Change your mindset and it will change your life!
6.Delay gratification!!!
A lot of people will spend money on stupid little things because they want to feel good right then. Delaying gratification is so hard, I know. But if you can hold off on buying the little stuff now, you can have something way better down the road. For example, if you take out buying alcohol and cigarettes you will be able to buy that car you have wanted way quicker than if you keep going in the same direction.
This is a biggie for a lot of people. This is a big difference between many successful people and the people that aren’t successful. The successful person held on to that extra money that the unsuccessful person blew away as soon as they got it. Then they invested it into a business, which made them more money. Here is a great video on YouTube to help you understand more about the dangers of instant gratification. If you can master delaying gratification, I promise you will never be broke again and have a much more fulfilling life. Subscribe to my newsletter to receive a free copy of my eBook 25 Habits To Living Life To The Fullest! It is full of great ways to improve yourself.
If you are reading this because you are stressing about money, you should reevaluate your priorities. Do you smoke? Do you shop too much or go out to eat a lot? What will you cut out so you can quit stressing about how the bills are going to get paid and have money put back in case of an emergency? I know how it feels to want that instant gratification, but we need to try to teach ourselves and our children to delay gratification. It truly is an extremely important ability to master. If you put these tips into action, I promise you will see a major increase in your finances.
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Do you think you will try some of these tips? Leave a comment below and let me know.
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