5 Reasons You Are Still Living In Poverty

5 Reasons You Are Still Living In Poverty

One of the most frustrating parts of trying to work a budget and get ahead in your finances is the fact that you can feel like you are getting nowhere. Most people feel super optimistic when they make a budget plan and they agree to stick with it, but soon find...

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Have You Heard About Oreo’s $500,000 Contest Yet?

Have You Heard About Oreo’s $500,000 Contest Yet?

Just a few days ago Oreo announced they were running a contest and the winner will win $500,000! And the best part? All you have to do is come up with the new idea for Oreo's next flavor. Now, I understand that is easier said than done. But hey, anything is possible!...

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8 Reasons You Are Failing On Pinterest And How To Fix It

8 Reasons You Are Failing On Pinterest And How To Fix It

So you started a blog and have heard about how amazing Pinterest is but nothing you do seems to help you get more traffic to your blog. Want to know why? It's certainly not because Pinterest just isn't all it's cracked up to be. Pinterest is a goldmine for bloggers....

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100+ Ways To Make Extra Money This Year

100+ Ways To Make Extra Money This Year

I know first hand that working a full-time job sometimes just doesn't always bring in enough money to support your family and/or yourself. But who wants to work multiple jobs that don't pay the greatest? Ever feel like that there has to be more to life than just...

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