4 Brilliant Ways To Improve Yourself Constantly

Everyone has an ideal image of themselves. You know, the person you WANT to be some day. It starts when we are little kids running around acting like doctors, singers, etc. (I was the singer ?) and it never goes away. Yes, our ideal image may change many times over the years, but we all have that same burning desire to simply be better versions of ourselves.

4 Brilliant Ways To Improve Yourself Constantly. These personal development tips are so awesome! I loved the idea of planning your goals this way. Thanks for sharing!So what happens when we ignore that? I’ve dealt with depression for a very long time and have found that my depression really beats me down when I’m not doing my best in life. Not meaning I have to attain every goal on my list to not feel depressed, but I do have to be working towards them. Think about it for a second, when do feel the best and worst overall?

Getting complacent is so comforting, but it sure comes with a price. One of the saddest things in life to me is the thought of never evolving and just staying stuck in the same place. There are so many people that live their entire lives stuck in that same dead end job, a town they hate, doing the same things they have always done. They never really lived life the way they were meant to and their lives passed them by.

We are meant for change and if you are ready to do that, these 4 brilliant ways to improve yourself constantly are exactly what you need to always make sure you’re on the right track.

1.Daily reflections

The best time for daily reflections is at night after the day is coming to a close. Just take a few minutes to think about what happened in your day and make sure you did the best you could to reach your long term goals.

So maybe you are on a diet and you want to lose 50 pounds. Did you make healthy choices today to get you there?

If you did great, keep doing what you’re doing!

If you didn’t and had a meltdown (which caused you to eat a package of cookies), think about what led up to that so you can make better choices tomorrow.

Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t do your best everyday. Just use your daily reflections as a guide for what is and isn’t working. We aren’t perfect and the best way to improve ourselves is to accept the fact that we WILL mess up.

2.Weekly check-ins

Every Sunday night is when I like to do my weekly check-ins. The past week is coming to an end and the next week is getting ready to begin.

It’s a good time to write out your goals for the next week, as well as look back over your goals from the previous week.

Let’s just say you had three big goals on your list to accomplish this past week, but only accomplished one. Seeing those goals written out will help you to remember them and also figure out what held you back from crossing them off the list.

Learning from our past mistakes is the best way to make sure the same mistakes don’t happen over and over. Then we can move on to bigger and better things.

3.Monthly assessments

Just like weekly check ins, you should write out monthly goals. The last day of the month is perfect for your monthly assessments.

This gives you the perfect opportunity to make sure you are on the right track. I’ve found the two biggest reasons people don’t get things done are either because they were being lazy or they don’t have enough time.

If you are lazy, then you need to find a new why. Why are you wanting to do whatever it is you’re trying to accomplish? For years, I wanted to lose weight to look better. But that was never a good enough reason to stick with it. When I started caring more about feeling better and happier, that’s when things changed for me.

If you don’t have enough time, then you need to rearrange your schedule to make things less busy. I’m a single mother, so I know all about being busy. That’s been my excuse for many things, but I’ve found when I actually quit using that as an excuse I always find a way to make time.

4.Yearly evaluations

A great way that I’ve found to come up with daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals is to work from the beginning with the end in mind. So come up with monthly and yearly goals (even five-year goals if you want) then you can make your daily and weekly goals the baby steps needed to help you achieve your bigger goals.

For example, if you want to start a business and for it to be profitable in one year, you are going to need to come up with some smaller goals to help make that dream a reality. The only way to make that happen is to put in the work EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Nothing amazing comes easy and there is no greater time than the present to start improving yourself and your life. Don’t let another day slip by because that day can easily turn into years. I know this all too well because I’ve experienced how time can get away from me if I’m not careful.

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What are some of your yearly goals and what daily steps can you do to accomplish them? Let me know in the comments below!

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