Blogging Recommendations

Here are the products, tools, and services that I use on a regular basis. These are recommendations I give to anyone looking to create a successful blog and they can help you in your journey to making money online. I don’t claim to know all the programs out there, but these work great for me. I will update this list of blogging resources when I try new things and feel they would be of use to you.

Blogging Resources & Tools. These blogging recommendations are very helpful. This article covers hosting, design, training and courses, newsletter, and images.






A good website hosting company is a must. I really like Bluehost because of their great customer service and low pricing. You get a free account when you go through Bluehost. I have yet to come across any high-profile bloggers that use another hosting company.

You can start your own blog with them for as low as $2.95 a month by signing up here (I’ve negotiated with Bluehost to get my readers the best deal possible, so this low pricing is available through my link only!)







Genesis Framework Theme

My website runs on the Genesis Framework theme. This framework is amazing! And it’s great for improving SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and website security.







I use PicMonkey to create all of my pinnable images. It’s very easy to use and my images always turn out beautiful.





Bigstock photo

Bigstock has TONS of stock photos to choose from and they offer a 7 free trial where you can download 5 images every day. You can sign up here.







I recently switched to Convertkit and have got so many new email subscribers. There are so many things I can do with this provider that no other company offers. I absolutely love Convertkit.

Training & Courses





Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing Course

Michelle from Making Sense of Cents is another top blogger and makes over $50k a month just from affiliate marketing. This course is amazing if you want to learn how to rock affiliate marketing plus it includes Rosemarie’s Pinterest Strategy Guide.

A couple of months after taking her course, I was making an extra $300 dollars a month in affiliate income and now I’m making a couple thousand per month from affiliates. You can learn more about her course here.

Other blog growth tools






Signing up with Leadpages was such a good decision for me. Leadpages is a landing page builder and I use it to make all my sales/sign up pages look beautiful!






Interact Quiz Builder

We have all taken quizzes that we see on Facebook. Think Buzzfeed. What I didn’t know until recently is how quizzes can help build your list. Roughly 50% of the people that take your quiz end up subscribing to your email list!

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Blogging Resources. These blogging recommendations are very helpful. This article covers hosting, design, plugins, training and books, newsletter, affiliates, and images.

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This post may contain affiliate links. Products ordered through this link may result in a commission, which helps to keep the content on this site free.  The opinions expressed in this post are my own.  Any health advice that may be in this post has not been evaluated by the FDA. The products and methods recommended are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease, nor is it intended to replace proper medical help. Read my full disclosure policy here.


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