9 Life Changing Beauty Hacks For Thick Girls

Did you know that two-thirds of the American adult population are considered overweight? Just having an extra ten pounds of fat on you can put you into that category. Now I won’t go into great detail on why or how to fix the problem. Having a better diet and exercising a bit more would be a great start. But is being overweight always a problem? Now, yes being obese is a big problem for health reasons. But being thick?

It’s no secret that men love women with curves so it shouldn’t surprise you that those extra pounds are actually making you more attractive. That brings me to my next point. We all have problems. This includes thin women, thick women, and obese women. No reason to feel self-conscious about your body, but instead take the necessary steps to fix the problem. And that doesn’t always mean to lose weight! I want to talk to you about how you can live life as a thick girl and always look your best. I promise you these beauty hacks for thick girls will make your life easier and make you feel less self-conscious.

1.Stop your thighs from rubbing

Stop your thighs from rubbing hack

Thick thighs are really hot, but chub rub is not! And it certainly doesn’t feel very good either. Try rubbing some deodorant between your thighs to avoid this. This is more of a problem during the summer months. Keeping your skin cool and dry isn’t really possible and who wants to stay indoors when there are so many things to do outside during the warmer months!

2.Buy clothes that actually fit

look less frumpy hack

Your muffin top is only as obvious as you allow it to be. Even women with minimal stomach fat experience this problem when they wear pants that are too tight. There is a huge difference between wearing jeans that are multiple sizes too small and just having a fat day. Which brings me to my next two points….

Related article: 7 Life-Changing Bra Hacks That Every Girl Should Know

3.Do some stretches to make your pants fit better

stretch for clothes to fit

I like to wear form fitting jeans like the majority of us westernized women do (nothing wrong with you if you don’t), but it sometimes can take a bit of extra effort to work your way into them. You could let your jeans air dry and they will fit you better than if you throw them into the dryer. Or you can do some squats, lunges, and other stretches to stretch those babies out a bit.

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4.Use a hair tie

hair tie jeans hack

And if you’re having a fat day or putting off buying new clothes (I do this all the time so I have to lay off the food for a while) you can try the rubber band trick. Pretty much all pregnant women do this and it’s amazing! I wore the same jeans the entire time I was pregnant because of this. Now I wouldn’t recommend wearing a belly shirt or anything, but no one will be able to tell with a normal length shirt covering it up.

5. Look your best in photos

eliminate double chin photo angle hack

We are living in the age of the selfie, so yes I’m going to include this. Everyone has a double chin when taking a photo from below so quit tripping over yours (unless you’re like me and need to start doing some chin exercises! ?). But seriously, angles are everything! Check out Trish’s youtube video to learn her life-changing tips on how to look thinner in photos here.

6.Hate cardio?

cardio vs squats

Then don’t do it! Start lifting weights instead. Toned fat looks better than flabby fat any day of the week. For example, I weigh the same now as I did before I had my daughter, but now my stomach hangs over my jeans if I’m not careful (I’m still working on the toning part) which was not a problem before.  Thick and fit is hot! Just search “thick and fit” and you will see what I mean.

7.Trick your mind into losing weight

lazy girl hack to lose weight fast

Now if you do want to shed some pounds, but are super lazy, here are some great ways to lose weight the easy way. Meal prep, eating out of smaller containers, and having healthy snacks ready are among some of these amazing tips to help you reach your weight goals.

8. Shapewear is your friend

shapewear hack

Any thicker woman that has tried shapewear is quick to recommend it to her friends. And there is a big reason why! It seriously helps you to look less bulgy and frumpy. There are so many types of shapewear for all of your different troubles areas and here is a great article by Redbook to help you decide what will work best for your body.

9. Makeup application

makeup application hacks

Makeup can do some pretty amazing things (or scary in some cases). People are always experimenting with ways to better hide flaws and have come up with some really great tricks to help you to look your best. That includes making your face look slimmer when done properly. Here are 7 makeup tricks by My Fashion Chronicles that will help make your face appear thinner.

Get organized

I’ve created a free self-care binder to help you stay on top of your game. Your binder includes the cover, beauty routine sheet, yearly goals tracker, daily schedule, mind body and soul self-care ideas page, and a weekly meal plan. Click the link below to get your free copy!

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Do you know of any of beauty hacks for thick girls? Let me know in the comments below!

9 Life Changing Beauty Hacks For Thick Girls. Amazing tips! This was so helpful. Curvy girls everywhere need to know these things! I knew some of these, but learned a lot. Thanks for the info!
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This post may contain affiliate links. Products ordered through this link may result in a commission, which helps to keep the content on this site free.  The opinions expressed in this post are my own.  Any health advice that may be in this post has not been evaluated by the FDA. The products and methods recommended are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease, nor is it intended to replace proper medical help. Read my full disclosure policy here.
These slimming fashion hacks will make you look thinner practically overnight! These DIY ideas for women and for teens are SO HELPFUL! I love how they are for plus size women too!
These slimming fashion hacks will make you look thinner practically overnight! These DIY ideas for women and for teens are SO HELPFUL! I love how they are for plus size women too!
These slimming fashion hacks will make you look thinner practically overnight! These DIY ideas for women and for teens are SO HELPFUL! I love how they are for plus size women too!
These slimming fashion hacks will make you look thinner practically overnight! These DIY ideas for women and for teens are SO HELPFUL! I love how they are for plus size women too!


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