9 Baking Soda Hacks That You Need To Know

Baking soda is one of the many household items that are extremely inexpensive that you can use for so many things! From health and beauty to cleaning and deodorizing, baking soda can get the job done. That’s why so many high-end products have baking soda in them.

Baking soda is definitely a must have in every home. Find out how you can use these baking soda hacks to make your life so much easier. Be sure to check out the original source for the full tutorial!

1.Non-toxic oven cleaning

9 Baking Soda Hacks That You Need To Know. Wow! These baking soda cleaning tips are so helpful! I also really like the different things you can use it for in your health and beauty routine.

This simple method is effective for cleaning all the gunk out of your stove and making it smell like new again without having to worry about breathing in all those toxic chemicals.

Source: Craptastical

Related article: 11 DIY Cleaning Products That Will Make Your Life So Much Easier

2.Remove ingrown hairs

9 Baking Soda Hacks That You Need To Know. Wow! These baking soda cleaning tips are so helpful! I also really like the different things you can use it for in your health and beauty routine.

Ingrown hairs are not very attractive, but this scrub can help make your skin smooth and beautiful once again.

Source:  Bomb It Beauty

3.Whiten your teeth

9 Baking Soda Hacks That You Need To Know. Wow! These baking soda cleaning tips are so helpful! I also really like the different things you can use it for in your health and beauty routine.

Many things cause our teeth to become discolored, like drinking coffee and tea. First, mix a bit of toothpaste, 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide, and 1/2 tsp. of water in a bowl. Then brush your teeth for two minutes once a week until you reach your desired results. Continue treatment as needed.

4.Cleaning your mattress

9 Baking Soda Hacks That You Need To Know. Wow! These baking soda cleaning tips are so helpful! I also really like the different things you can use it for in your health and beauty routine.

Did you know your mattress can get infested with bed bugs? Cleaning your mattress once a year can help prevent this and even will also help your mattress last longer.

Source: Consumer Reports

Related: 9 Creative And Cheap Ways To Make Your Home Smell Heavenly

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5.Make your body healthier

9 Baking Soda Hacks That You Need To Know. Wow! These baking soda cleaning tips are so helpful! I also really like the different things you can use it for in your health and beauty routine. Many have heard of using baking soda for cleaning and beauty purposes, but what about using it to improve your health? Reducing acid reflux and boosting metabolism are just some of the many benefits you can get from this amazing product. Source: The Alternative Daily  

6.Rid dark circles

9 Baking Soda Hacks That You Need To Know. Wow! These baking soda cleaning tips are so helpful! I also really like the different things you can use it for in your health and beauty routine. I think we can all agree that dark circles are not very attractive. Using baking soda in your beauty routine can get you looking more well rested in no time. Source: Health and DIY ideas Related article: 15 Amazing Beauty Hacks For Your Major Problem Areas  

7.Air freshener

9 Baking Soda Hacks That You Need To Know. Wow! These baking soda cleaning tips are so helpful! I also really like the different things you can use it for in your health and beauty routine. Baking soda naturally deodorizes and this inexpensive solution is great for making your home smell amazing! Source: Imperfect Homemaking  

8.Natural Deodorant

9 Baking Soda Hacks That You Need To Know. Wow! These baking soda cleaning tips are so helpful! I also really like the different things you can use it for in your health and beauty routine. There are so many chemicals in commercial deodorant and many speculate a possible link between the aluminum ingredient and various illnesses, such as cancer. Making your own deodorant could possibly save your life (and also save you tons of money over your lifetime). Source: Women Ideas  

9.Tub, tile, and grout cleaner

9 Baking Soda Hacks That You Need To Know. Wow! These baking soda cleaning tips are so helpful! I also really like the different things you can use it for in your health and beauty routine. Tubs and floors can easily accumulate lots of funk, but this cleaning method can help make cleaning these areas much easier! Source: My Cleaning Solutions Click here to subscribe

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This post may contain affiliate links. Products ordered through this link may result in a commission, which helps to keep the content on this site free.  The opinions expressed in this post are my own.  Any health advice that may be in this post has not been evaluated by the FDA. The products and methods recommended are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease, nor is it intended to replace proper medical help. Read my full disclosure policy here.
These DIY baking soda hacks for face, teeth whitening, for under eyes, and cleaning are AMAZING! There are so many uses for baking soda every one needs to know. Learn all the tricks and tips to make you like easier now!
These DIY baking soda hacks for face, teeth whitening, for under eyes, and cleaning are AMAZING! There are so many uses for baking soda every one needs to know. Learn all the tricks and tips to make you like easier now!
These DIY baking soda hacks for face, teeth whitening, for under eyes, and cleaning are AMAZING! There are so many uses for baking soda every one needs to know. Learn all the tricks and tips to make you like easier now!
These DIY baking soda hacks for face, teeth whitening, for under eyes, and cleaning are AMAZING! There are so many uses for baking soda every one needs to know. Learn all the tricks and tips to make you like easier now!
These DIY baking soda hacks for face, teeth whitening, for under eyes, and cleaning are AMAZING! There are so many uses for baking soda every one needs to know. Learn all the tricks and tips to make you like easier now!


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