8 Awesome Free Challenges That Will Improve All Areas Of Your Life

Many people are not happy with their lives or simply have grown complacent over the years. Now while there is nothing wrong with being content with your life, we should always be growing.  When I was younger, I found it hard to do both at once. I would either be not growing and fine with that or trying to grow but would be impatient to get to the next stage.

Good things take time. That’s why we should always try our best to look for the lessons in every situation that life throws our way. I hit rock bottom a couple of years ago and prayed every day to move past that season of my life. I hated it! But now looking back, I can see how that time helped me to grow and now I try to be more patient during the bad times. So where do we start on our journey to becoming better versions of ourselves? Well here are 8 awesome free challenges that will help steer you in the right direction.

1. Self Improvement

8 Awesome Free Challenges That Will Improve All Areas Of Your Life. I love how this post includes so many aspects of life! The fitness and health challenges are great, but I really like how there is a relationship, money, and parenting challenge included. Definitely pinning this for later!

Yes, everything on this list is self-improvement, but this includes pretty much everything. It’s just not as in-depth. Focusing on one thing a day is a great way to make a habit of living your life intentionally. The only way we can really be better is to think of personal development as a lifestyle rather than something we should only do for a little while.

Source: Revenge Bakery

Related: 7 Habits To Living Life To The Fullest

2. Mental wellness

8 Awesome Free Challenges That Will Improve All Areas Of Your Life. I love how this post includes so many aspects of life! The fitness and health challenges are great, but I really like how there is a relationship, money, and parenting challenge included. Definitely pinning this for later!

The number one thing hindering us from unlocking our full potential is our minds. Most people use their tough circumstances as an excuse, but there are just way too many people that have had the worst lives imaginable that turned it all around for the better for those excuses to have any real power over us. If you work on your mind, everything else in your life will follow suit.

This is why I love meditation. I have noticed that I can focus better in my daily life, I take better care of my body, I get more stuff done, and the list goes on when I meditate for at least 5 minutes a day. But it does not take long to get out of the habit and back into living my life more on the autopilot side rather than in the present.

Source: Brittney A Moses

3. Health
8 Awesome Free Challenges That Will Improve All Areas Of Your Life. I love how this post includes so many aspects of life! The fitness and health challenges are great, but I really like how there is a relationship, money, and parenting challenge included. Definitely pinning this for later!

Our diets can make or break us. Many studies have been done that show people with poor diets (high sugar intake, lack of nutrients, etc.) tend to be more depressed and unhappy with their lives. Unhealthy food is cheap (and addictive), while healthy food is super expensive. Yes, the system is against us, but just making these small changes can make a HUGE difference in improving our lives.

Related: 11 Lazy Girl Hacks That Will Help You Lose Weight Fast

4. Fitness

Don’t overwhelm yourself with hour-long workouts. That’s one of the quickest ways to quit before you even get started. If you’ve read any of my other posts about living your best life, you know I always emphasize the importance of making things a habit.

Here’s why: motivation can only take you so far. No one feels motivated every single day—it’s just not realistic. But when something becomes a habit, it’s easier to stay consistent, even on your bad days. Habits create discipline, and discipline keeps you going when motivation is nowhere to be found.

That’s exactly why the Free 5-Day Lazy Girl Healthy Habits Challenge focuses on small, manageable steps. It’s about building a foundation you can stick to, not overwhelming yourself with unrealistic expectations. Because creating sustainable habits is what leads to real, lasting progress.

Take it one day at a time, and you’ll be amazed at how far you can go. Click here to join the free challenge!

Related: 8 Best Workouts To Do In Under 10 Minutes

5. Relationship

8 Awesome Free Challenges That Will Improve All Areas Of Your Life. I love how this post includes so many aspects of life! The fitness and health challenges are great, but I really like how there is a relationship, money, and parenting challenge included. Definitely pinning this for later!

Every couple has their ups and downs. After a while, the newness wears off and you get caught up in routines. Routines are nice, but it can cause a lot of trouble in relationships if we aren’t careful. Break out of the mundane and focus on making more time for the love of your life.

Source: lifehack

Related: 10 Surprising Signs That A Man Will Treat You Right

6. Money

8 Awesome Free Challenges That Will Improve All Areas Of Your Life. I love how this post includes so many aspects of life! The fitness and health challenges are great, but I really like how there is a relationship, money, and parenting challenge included. Definitely pinning this for later!

I think we can all agree that life is easier when we have our finances right. No one likes the stress of not having enough money to take care of everything. I’m a big advocate on not blowing every dime we get! It’s so easy to do these days. Companies are always telling us we need more. There are so many ways to better our financial situation, but saving an extra $1456 this year is a great start!

Source: Undo Your Debt


7. Parenting

8 Awesome Free Challenges That Will Improve All Areas Of Your Life. I love how this post includes so many aspects of life! The fitness and health challenges are great, but I really like how there is a relationship, money, and parenting challenge included. Definitely pinning this for later!

Have any kiddos running around? Parenting is the most important role you will ever play. We are raising the future. We are all so busy all the time and our kids aren’t getting enough love in the in the process. Just taking some time every day to show your child they mean the world to you will set them up for a much brighter future. Don’t get so busy trying to make a living in this crazy world, that you forget to make a life.

Source: Cory’s Cozy Corner

Related: How To Stop Parenthood Regret In Its Tracks

8. Faith

8 Awesome Free Challenges That Will Improve All Areas Of Your Life. I love how this post includes so many aspects of life! The fitness and health challenges are great, but I really like how there is a relationship, money, and parenting challenge included. Definitely pinning this for later!

For me, this is the most important challenge on this list. Praying is the key to making everything else fall in line. When I feel myself drifting away from God, I notice my life starts to become a mess. I can’t think straight, I am less productive, and start feeling more unhappy. The most important habit you can make is the habit of putting God first.

Matthew 6:33 tells us that we should seek the kingdom of God first, and everything else that we desire will be added. This couldn’t be more true. And God doesn’t expect us to pray 24/7. He just wants to have a relationship with Him.


Are you going to try any of these free challenges to improve your life? Let me know in the comments below!

8 Awesome Free Challenges That Will Improve All Areas Of Your Life. I love how this post includes so many aspects of life! The fitness and health challenges are great, but I really like how there is a relationship, money, and parenting challenge included. Definitely pinning this for later!

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This post may contain affiliate links. Products ordered through this link may result in a commission, which helps to keep the content on this site free.  The opinions expressed in this post are my own.  Any health advice that may be in this post has not been evaluated by the FDA. The products and methods recommended are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease, nor is it intended to replace proper medical help. Read my full disclosure policy here.


  1. Jessica, I absolutely love this post! You are so on the money with finding balance in our everyday lives and creating these healthy habits. I love your perspective. Keep growing! You are a rockstar!

    • I’m glad you liked it! And thank you so much for your thoughtful compliment! ? ? ?


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