20 Good Paying Jobs For People Who Don’t Like People

Our society tries so hard to make us all extroverted and sometimes it’s easy to feel like a weirdo when you don’t fit the mold. But there is NOTHING wrong with being an introvert! Some of the most amazing minds in history loved living a life of solitude (some to a certain degree more than others).

Where would we all be without people like Albert Einstein or Abraham Lincoln? Introverts certainly don’t get the credit they deserve! Now, there is nothing wrong with people that are more extroverted but there is a reason we were all created differently. We all have different things to offer the world and that is something to be proud of. Read on to find out 20 good paying jobs for people who don’t like people.

These salaries may vary depending on the area you’re located in, your experience, and if you are working part time or full time. 

20 Good Paying Jobs For People Who Don't Like People. I have always been such an introvert and finding a career has been tough. I have social anxiety really bad. Love these ideas! Thanks!

1.Postal Worker – $56k

What a relaxing job this would be! Did you know postal workers don’t have to go to college to land the job? Nope, but you do need to pass their postal exam. Here is a practice test if you think this job would be something you are interested in doing.

2.Blogger – $19k- $79k+

Blogging is not necessarily a new career path, but it certainly has been getting a lot more attention lately. And why wouldn’t it when so many people are making crazy amounts of money from the luxury of their own homes AND you can work whenever you want!

I was making money in about three months after starting my blog and was making $2300 a month in just seven months. After I did a bit of research and saw the people who were making money from blogging with no prior experience or college degree, I thought why not me too? I am so glad I started my blog back in 2016. It helped me start working from home and spend more time with the people who matter most to me.  Learn how you can start your own blog here.

3.Social Media Manager/ Virtual Assistant – $22k-$61k

Here is another career path that allows you to work from anywhere. Many companies, celebrities, and bloggers have virtual assistants and social media managers so they can focus on other areas of their business.

4.Photographer – 31k

There are so many ways that photographers can make money these days. From taking pictures of families to selling stock photos, the social interaction involved here is very minimal.

5.Animal Worker/ Trainer – 24k-36k

Many people prefer being in the company of animals over human beings. While some people may mock this mentality, the fact remains that animals don’t bring unnecessary drama into your life like people can.

6.Online Teacher/Professor – 46k

You will need a degree to work for a college but you could also work independently. Do you have a skill that you can teach? Creating and selling courses is a great way to make money these days.

7.Writer – 60k+

Do you love to write but feel there is no money in it? That couldn’t be further from the truth! Many people are making a living (and some are getting rich) off of selling ebooks. It’s much easier than landing a book deal from a major publisher and you get to keep a larger percentage of the profit.

Related article: 5 Real Ways To Make An Extra $1000 A Month

8.Truck Driver – 40k

While many people would never want to drive for hours, others wouldn’t want things any other way. Driving can just be so therapeutic sometimes. And many truck drivers have their pets to keep them company!

9.Pilot – 102k

This is a very highly respected profession since you get the honor of protecting the lives of many people, all the while getting to travel to some amazing places that you can explore during layovers! And most pilots can get travel passes for their friends and family!

10.Computer Programmer – 79k

Pretty much any job that involves computers pays very well and most of the time you are left alone to get your work done. You could also start your own business fixing and programming people’s computers in your area.

11.Game Warden – 50k- 69k

This is a great job for those that love the outdoors and protecting wildlife. One day you could be riding horseback and the next you could be piloting a boat to get the job done effectively.

12.Librarian – 56k

Being a librarian is very peaceful and doesn’t bring the stress that many jobs these days do.  And many librarians report they have very flexible schedules with lots of vacation time! Win, win!

13.Editor – 49k

Are you good at figuring out problems and coming up with solutions? Editors do more than just fix grammatical errors and lots of people need one. From working for magazines to finding freelance work, there is plenty of work to be done.

14.Funeral Director – 53k

This job is certainly not for everyone but that doesn’t mean that it is bad. Preparing funerals for grieving families is very admirable. If you like planning and don’t mind working with the deceased, then this could be a very good career path for you.

15.Farmer – 64k

What would we do without them? Well…honestly many of us would probably starve. Farmers usually live pretty quite lives and get to enjoy working outdoors tending to crops and animals instead of sitting cooped up in an office somewhere.

16.Baker/ Chef – 24k-41k

Do you have a passion for cooking and/or decorating? You will find there are so many employment opportunities with this career path. You could work on a cruise ship, a hospital, for an airline, and the list goes on. You could even open your own business or even do something on the side! I have a friend that does pretty well baking cupcakes for people around town.

17.App Creator – 45k-98k+

We are living in a world that runs on apps. Well..pretty much it seems. People love apps. That’s why there is such good money in app creation.

18.Actuary – 97k

Are you good with numbers? An Actuary analyzes data to evaluate the likelihood of future events. This is pretty important in the financial world. And look at that salary!

19.Engineer – 60k- 107k

Would you consider yourself a creative person? An engineer is a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public works. There are so many types of engineers and there will always be plenty of work in this field.

20.Entrepreneur – Unlimited+++

If you don’t mind taking risks, your rewards can be great! There are so many businesses that you could start. You could open a small restaurant, hair salon, or car dealership and make a good living while providing jobs for people in your community.

Or you could start a huge corporation or sell something you created and make millions. It all depends on how much of a risk you are willing to take and how good of an idea you have.  The only thing stopping you from creating the business and life you want is you. The possibilities are endless!

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Are you interested in any of these jobs for people who don’t like people? Let me know in the comments below!

20 Good Paying Jobs For People Who Don't Like People. I have always been such an introvert and finding a career has been tough. I have social anxiety really bad. Love these ideas! Thanks!

Does it seem that there are no jobs for introverts? This great list of online jobs and careers are the best for people who like to work alone! If you are looing to make money no matter your personality type, then read on!
Does it seem that there are no jobs for introverts? This great list of online jobs and careers are the best for people who like to work alone! If you are looing to make money no matter your personality type, then read on!
Does it seem that there are no jobs for introverts? This great list of online jobs and careers are the best for people who like to work alone! If you are looing to make money no matter your personality type, then read on!
Does it seem that there are no jobs for introverts? This great list of online jobs and careers are the best for people who like to work alone! If you are looing to make money no matter your personality type, then read on!
Does it seem that there are no jobs for introverts? This great list of online jobs and careers are the best for people who like to work alone! If you are looing to make money no matter your personality type, then read on!


  1. I’m sorry, I grew up with Letter Carriers, and had friends who also were– It’s one of the most stressful jobs possibly ever. It’s brutal on scheduling, bureaucracy, management. (There’s a position outside management that just exists to make post master’s cry.) While there are people who do appreciate their carriers–apparently it’s the best part of the job–others are vicious. You’ll also be expected to cooperate with law enforcement if they’re up to something illegal. This is NOT a relaxing job!

    (although it is important. I love the post office institution, and it could be great. it’s just run by idiots right now)

    • Hey, Thea! That sounds terrible. It seems like such a pleasant job. Everything has it’s issues though, of course. Do you think it varies among different areas? Maybe not everywhere is so bad. And I would think supporting law enforcement would be the right thing to do. Could you clear up what you mean by them doing something illegal?


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