To start feeling the results, give it two weeks. And to start seeing results, give it four weeks. Trust the process. I know how hard it can be to stick with it when you aren’t seeing any changes. It can feel like you are putting in all this hard work for nothing!
So not true. When you combine eating healthy meals and working out, you will see the results. It’s the one tried and true method for losing weight.
The exercises below focuses on your upper body. So biceps, triceps, shoulders, and chest. All important areas to focus on to get rid of flabby arms.
I recommend starting out with light weights and working your way up as you get stronger. Just 3, 5, or 8 pound weights are fine. This is the weight set I recommend.
So this is how doing this workout will go. It’s just 10 minutes so you’ve got to push yourself. I recommend using a free interval timer app on your phone so you don’t have to keeping looking down to reset the timer. Here is the one I use on my iPhone. Just select “intervals”, then the + button, round timer, enter 10 rounds, and press start when you are ready. You can even enter 5-10 second breaks in between sets on the app.
We are going to do each workout below for 50 seconds each and take a 10 second break in between. That’s it. Super simple. But you need to push since we are taking these little breaks!
I recommend doing this workout 2-3 times a week. Alright, let’s work on getting those toned and sexy arms!
*Tip: You can also do mini workouts throughout the day using these exercises. Or combine them with other 10 minute workouts to tone your whole body.
Works: Biceps, abs, forearms
How to: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms by your side and palms facing in. Keep your elbows close to your sides. Curl the dumbbells up until they are level with your shoulders. Don’t swing your hips. Squeeze your biceps for one second and slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. Repeat for 50 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.
Works: Triceps, shoulders, core
How to: Stand with your knees bent, dumbbells in each hand pulled towards the sides of your chest, and lean slightly forward. Keep your back straight. Then kick both dumbbells out behind you, your biceps should be perpendicular to the floor. Keep your core engaged and your triceps in the same position. Only your elbows should move during this exercise. Return dumbbells to starting position. Repeat for 50 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.

Works: Shoulders, abs
How to: Stand with your legs hip width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand down in front of you. Keeps your arms straight. Raise the left dumbbell out and upwards, your elbow should be slightly bent and palms facing down. Pause for 1 second and lower the dumbbell back down to the starting position. Repeat the movement with your right arm. Continue alternating for 50 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.
Works: Shoulders, abs, triceps, upper back
How to: Sit on a bench or chair with a back support, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Raise the dumbbells to your shoulders, palms facing away from you. Raise the dumbbells over your head by extending your arms until the dumbbells touch at the top. Slowly lower back down to your shoulders. Repeat for 50 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.
5. SIDE PLANKS (Both sides 1 minute)
Works: obliques, abs
How to: Lie on your right side with your legs fully extended, one resting on top of the other. Place your left hand on your hip and your right arm bent on the floor. Lift your body off of the ground until your body forms a straight line. Engaged your core muscles and relax your shoulders. Lower your body back down. Repeat for 50 seconds. Rest of 10 seconds.
Change sides once complete and follow the steps for 50 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.
Easier version: Your lower leg can be resting on the ground and bent. Perform the rest of the exercise as directed above.
Works: Arms, shoulders, wrists, ankles, abdominals, calves, hamstrings, hip flexors, glutes
How to: Lie on your stomach with your hands under your shoulders, fingers spread. Bring your feet about hip width apart. Push into the floor with your hands and feet. Exhale as you lift your knees off of the floor. Reach your pelvis towards the ceiling and push your sit bones back towards the wall behind you. Do not lock your knees. Your body should make an “A” shape. Continue to press away from the floor. Relax your head, but don’t let it dangle. Hold for 50 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.
Works: Abs, back, shoulders
How to: Start on the floor on your hands and knees. Lower your forearms down to the floor, elbows under your shoulders and hands shoulder width apart. Step your feet back. Your body should make a straight line. Look down at the floor with your gaze slightly forward. Engage your abs. Hold for 50 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.
Works: Chest, shoulders, arms
How to: Lie flat on your back, knees bent with feet flat on the floor, dumbbells in hands. Rest your triceps on the floor with elbows bent, dumbbells above your chest. Engage your core and press the dumbbells toward the ceiling. Pause for one second at the top and lower the dumbbells back down. Repeat for 50 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.
Works: Upper back, lower traps, glutes, hip flexors, shoulders, lower back
How to: Lie facing down with your arms outstretched, palms down in front of you, and legs outstretched. Simultaneously lift your right arm and left leg off of the floor. Hold for 1 second and lower back down to the floor. Repeat the movement with your left arm and right leg. Continue alternating for 50 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.
If you’re ready to jumpstart your weight loss journey, the FREE 5-Day Lazy Girl Healthy Habits Challenge is exactly what you need!
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- 11 Lazy Girl Hacks That Will Help You Lose Weight Fast
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- 10 Minute Workout for the Perfect Bubble Butt
- How To Lose Weight When You Always Lose Motivation
How did you like this workout? Let me know in the comments below!