Having a flat tummy is pretty much the ultimate goal for people working on their fitness. Belly fat is the first to show and the last to go. We can’t help but want a flat tummy! But why do we want it so bad and even more… why do people find it so sexy?

Because it screams healthy! Yep… subconsciously we all want a healthy partner for having healthy babies. We are so basic sometimes! But it’s actually really neat God designed us this way.

And on another note, there has been research done that shows if your waist measures 35 or more inches for women or 40 or more inches for men, chances are you have a potentially dangerous amount of abdominal fat that comes with a ton of health risks like diabetes, aches and pains, and even cancer to name a few.

Don’t freak out. The moment you start losing the fat, you start lowering your risk. Slow and steady still completes the race 🙂 So let’s lose that belly fat not only for our looks but also for our health!


You don’t have to use weights when you are just starting out, but they are great when you are looking to really sculpt those abs. Just 3, 5, or 8 pound weights are fine. This is the weight set I recommend.

So this is how doing this workout will go. It’s just 10 minutes so you’ve got to push yourself. I recommend using a free interval timer app on your phone so you don’t have to keeping looking down to reset the timer. Here is the one I use on my iPhone. Just select “intervals”, then the + button, round timer, enter 10 rounds, and press start when you are ready. You can even enter 5-10 second breaks in between sets on the app.

We are going to do each workout below for 50 seconds each and take a 10 second break in between. That’s it. Super simple. But you need to push since we are taking these little breaks!

I recommend doing this workout 2-3 times a week. Alright, let’s go for that flat tummy!

*Tip: You can also do mini workouts throughout the day using these exercises. Or combine them with other 10 minute workouts to tone your whole body. 


Lunge twists

Works: Core, hips, glutes, and legs

How to: Stand tall with your feet just about shoulder-width apart. If you’re using a weight or medicine ball hold it out in front of you. If not, hold your arms out in front of you. Step into a lunge with your right foot. As you bend your knee, twist your upper body to the right. Do not twist your knee. Reach across your right side with your arms outstretched. Slowly, bring your arms back to center and step your right foot back to starting position. Repeat on the other side. Repeat the exercise for 50 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.

2. WINDMILLS (Both sides 1 min)


Works: Core and hips

How to: Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart. Extend your right arm over your head (can hold a weight or kettlebell in this hand) and your left arm at your side. Point your left foot outward and put your weight into your right heel. Slowly begin to shift your right hip outward to the right. Turn your head and look at your right hand. Bend your left knee just slightly and let your left hand slide down your leg. Try to get as close to the floor as possible. Pause briefly and return your upper body to the starting position. Repeat the exercise for 50 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.

Change sides once complete and follow the steps for 50 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.


Renegade rows

Works: Core, back, shoulders, triceps, and biceps

How to: Start in the plank position (place weights in hands on the floor if you are using them). Row one weight up towards the side of your body. Balance is key here. Hold briefly and bring the weight back down to starting position. Repeat on the other side. Continue alternating for 50 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.


Bird dog

Works: Abs, glutes, lower back, thighs

How to: Begin on all fours, with knees hip width apart and arms shoulder width apart. Lift one arm and the opposite leg until your body is in a straight line. Hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Lift the opposite arm and leg. Continue alternating for 50 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.



Works: Abs, back, shoulders

How to: Start on the floor on your hands and knees. Lower your forearms down to the floor, elbows under your shoulders and hands shoulder width apart. Step your feet back. Your body should make a straight line. Look down at the floor with your gaze slightly forward. Engage your abs. Hold for 50 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.



Works: Lower abs, hamstrings, quads

How to: Lie on your back and place your hands behind your head. Engage your core. Lift your shoulders blades off the floor and then bring your right knee in towards your left elbow, extend your left leg into the air. Switch sides, bringing the right elbow towards the left knee. Continue alternating for 50 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.

7. FLUTTER KICKSFlutter kicks

Works: Mid and lower abs, glutes, hip flexors, quads, and adductors

How to: Lie on your back and place both hands underneath your buttocks. Keep your lower back on the ground as you lift your right leg off the ground a few inches off the floor. Hold for a 1-2 seconds, then switch legs. Continue alternating for 50 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.



Leg pull-in knee ups

Works: Upper and lower abs, lower back

How to: Lie down with your legs extended and hands facing down slightly behind you. Keep your knees together and pull them in towards you while bringing your torso in towards your knees. Hold for 1-2 seconds and extend legs out a couple inches off the ground. Repeat for 50 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.


Pulse ups

Works: Lower abs

How to: Lie on your back and lift legs straight up. Lift your hips off the floor and lower back down. Repeat for 50 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.


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