This world is going to hell in a hand basket.   Any small amount of research will show you that. The mentality that nothing bad will happen directly to us is very naive. I am sure most of the people who have been raped, beaten, and killed probably thought that too. Something terrible can happen in the blink of an eye and what would you prefer, be ready and have a fighting chance or be a helpless victim? Here is a quick guide to owning a gun for beginners.

Quick Guide To Owning A Gun For Beginners. BEST GUIDE EVER! I never used to believe in owning a gun but recently changed my mind. Things are getting too crazy! I am a small woman. How else would I protect myself and my child from an attacker? It's a scary thought. This article told me exactly what I need to know to go about getting a firearm and my concealed carry permit.

So maybe you are new to the world of guns and don’t know much about them. Or even worse, you have to the mainstream media beating it in your head that guns are bad. There is a reason our founding fathers included The Second Amendment (Right to Bear Arms) in our Constitution. They understood that there were bad people in our world that would have guns regardless. So the good people needed to be able to protect themselves, their families, and their fellow citizens.

Why do you need a gun?

•A murderer, rapist, or thief will most likely have a weapon. You will be defenseless against them without a weapon. The chances of you pulling a Kung Fu master stunt and kicking the weapon out of the bad guys hands is EXTREMELY unlikely.  That may work in the movies, but this is real life.  Seriously, I have met people who have never had any type of self-defense training actually believe they could do it! Bad things happen every day to good people. Can you imagine how all those defenseless people from the past felt when they watched a murderer kill the people they loved? At least with a weapon, you all will have a fighting chance.

•The police are amazing, but they cannot get to a situation in the blink of an eye. Imagine you are sitting in your living room having family night and a criminal has been watching your house, then suddenly they kick your door in. Maybe they just want to rob you, but maybe they are just plain sick and twisted. The only chance you have is to fight them off and if they have a gun and you don’t, the odds are not in your favor.

police cant always protect

•Many states with stricter gun laws have higher crime rates. Take Chicago, Illinois for example. In 2012, they were America’s Murder Capital. In December 2012, Chicago lifted the ban on concealed carry. It’s pretty funny how the crime rate has decreased since then. Even though many people like to deny it has anything to do with allowing the law-abiding citizens to actually protect themselves.

•Get a safe if you’re worried that your kids will get ahold of your gun and teach them gun safety. A firearm lying around is a possibility in this world and kids should know they are not toys. It happened recently close to where I live.  Here is the article from the Tampa Tribune where a 4-year-old boy found a firearm under the house and fired a shot. My dad had many guns in his room with no lock on the door. And sometimes he would leave one on the kitchen table, but my sisters and I knew better than to touch it. I am not saying to leave guns lying around by no means. I am only saying there are plenty of kids that do know better than to play with guns and your kids can learn that too.

•There is an article in The New York Times that talks about a study conducted by The National Rifle Association. They reported, “Studies indicate that firearms are used over 2 million times a year for personal protection and that the presence of a firearm, without a shot being fired, prevents crime in many instances.” People that take the time to legally get a gun are rarely criminals. Since when did a criminal obey the law? Oh yea, never because a criminal is someone who breaks the law. They don’t follow the same rules that you and I do.

Now, I DON’T think everyone should just go out and get a gun without receiving some training. Clueless armed citizens would not be a good idea at all. I have heard people say that teachers should have guns in the classroom. If an active shooter enters the building and the teacher doesn’t know how to use that gun properly a child could get shot. Plus, most people don’t know how to handle themselves in a dangerous situation. Yes, training every teacher would be awesome, but that just is not realistic. So here are some things you need to know if you’re interested in becoming an armed citizen.

 1.Check your state’s gun laws

Every state has different gun laws so you need to check on that to start. For example, open carry is legal in some states and illegal in others. Also, there are some states that won’t honor another state’s concealed carry permit. You definitely want to know the laws of your state. Ignorance is not an excuse for breaking the law. is a great place to get you started. 

2.Classes for beginners

There are many classes you can take that will teach you how to shoot and handle your firearm. There were a few people in my concealed carry class that had never shot a gun before. But the trainer taught them how to use their guns correctly and the basics of gun safety. Also, they discussed some of the main laws in our state.  My mom doesn’t have her CCW and doesn’t plan on it anytime soon, but she took the class with my 10-year-old brother.  They learned a lot and feel much more confident with handling firearms.

Some gun sales shops will let you try different guns to see what you like best and offer classes there too.  It’s definitely good to take a class.  Even people who have been shooting for a while should take classes. No one knows everything.  There is so much information out there to be an informed armed citizen so there are no accidents.

3.What to buy

I own an SR40c Ruger pistol, a Ruger 10/22 rifle because I like to shoot and .22 ammo is really cheap, and a Ruger LCP for concealed carry.  I love my SR40c Ruger because it is extremely powerful and easy to handle. It really is awesome and I always get compliments on it. The recoil is not bad at all for a .40 caliber and I am pretty small. I love my guns, but everyone is different on what they like. Do your research and decide what you want the gun for, which brings me to my next two points.

4.At home protection

Most people think that a pistol is the best gun for home protection, but the best gun for that is actually a shotgun. My dad always had one in our house, but I never thought about it being the best until recently. The sound when you’re cocking it is the universal sound for you broke into the wrong house. Many criminals will take off just from that alone. Wouldn’t you? That will be my next gun purchase.

5.Concealed Carry

A small pistol will be your best bet. Most people prefer a .380 or a .22. You can hide a smaller gun more easily. Especially women since we usually wear tighter clothing. I like my Can Can Concealment waist holster that I got from Amazon. It is very well made, comfortable, and keeps my gun from sliding around.

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*Tip: Purse carry is a bad idea if you have kids. There is too much of a risk that your child could get a hold of your gun. It only takes a second for a toddler to pull that trigger and shoot themselves or someone else. Carrying on your person is a much better option.

To get your permit, you will need to take a concealed carry class and then also file with your state. I paid $50 for the class and $120 or so for the permit. If you are prior military, you should just be able to bring your DD214 in. I learned this after I paid for the class of course.

6.Background check

It is pretty simple to get a gun if you are able to pass a background check. They look for things like prior felonies and violent crimes. I have carried in my car and home for a couple of years now. The states I have lived in allow you to have a gun in your car and home without any type of permit. Again, check your state laws on that.

Guns don’t kill people. Criminals and idiots kill people. Imagine if all the good guys carried guns. This world would be a lot better and safer place to live in.

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Do you think it is important to exercise our Second Amendment rights? If not, why don’t you? Leave a comment below with what you think.

Quick Guide To Owning A Gun For Beginners. BEST GUIDE EVER! I never used to believe in owning a gun but recently changed my mind. Things are getting too crazy! I am a small woman. How else would I protect myself and my child from an attacker? It's a scary thought. This article told me exactly what I need to know to go about getting a firearm and my concealed carry permit.

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