Why do so many people take offense by every little thing these days? Should people really be offended so often? To be honest, being easily offended is a sign of insecurity and mental illness. Things offend us all and that’s normal. I am not talking about that. I am talking about the people always are actively searching for things to find offensive. They never learned to control their emotions. So how can we tell who is rightfully offended? And who is just blowing things way out of proportion? Here are 5 signs someone really is too easily offended.

5 Signs Someone Really Is Too Easily Offended. I swear I can't go 5 minutes without "offending" someone these days! It drives me crazy! Everyone needs to read this post. Maybe it will wake up some liberal cry babies. This needs to be shared far and wide!

1.They complain more often than not

We all complain about something and if you don’t you have really got it going on. Maybe it’s something that happened on the job or with a family member. It’s healthy to vent occasionally, but it becomes a problem when this takes up a big part of someone’s day. When there is more bad than good in someone’s life, it’s time to take a good look in the mirror. Which brings me to my next point.

2.They are always the victim

They can do no wrong and blame their problems on everyone else.  They believe their lives would so much better if other people could just be better. The problem with that is this is real life. There are too many different types of people in the world to expect people to change for you. And no one can make anyone feel like anything. It’s our choice how we react to something someone says or does. Take responsibility for your own feelings. You will be much happier.

3.They are insecure

It’s not hard to tell when someone is insecure. They are always trying to cut others down to make themselves feel better.  They also talk bad about people behind their backs fairly often. Insecurity is the root of being too easily offended. These people didn’t receive the love they needed as children and they have never felt safe. This makes them feel the need for having “safe spaces”.

They need validation from others instead of finding their self-worth from within. A person that is secure in their own skin can easily brush off things that may offend them and be able to easily forget about it. I get offended sometimes. But unless it’s major I ignore it. And when I say major I mean like trying to infringe upon my rights. Not something like having to use the perfect little word for everything. It’s so annoying when people twist your words to make it offend them. If everyone fit one of these people’s preferences, they would still be miserable. There is a bigger issue going on deep down.

4.They are narcissistic

They will ignore you no matter how many facts you throw at them. There is no reasoning with them. Their beliefs are definite truths to them and everything else is wrong. A maturely developed person knows that they are not always right. You should always listen to others viewpoints even when you think you are right. Maybe you ‘re only half right and so are they. Or maybe you’re wrong. It is going to happen. We can never learn if we don’t humble ourselves and think outside of our little boxes.

5.They just want attention 

It’s kind of hard to tell the difference between someone like this and someone who falls into the above categories. These people have nothing better to do and just want to fit in with their friends that are also complainers. Many people in therapy groups complain to each other and that’s all they have in common. They stay because they don’t want to lose their friends, Rather than break away and live a more fulfilling life. It’s the same type of situation with these people.  We have an innate desire to feel a sense of love and belonging, according to the third stage of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.  Not all people learned how to have healthy relationships with others so they settle for what they can get. 

There have always been overly sensitive people in the world. The difference is now it’s okay to display it openly. It doesn’t help that now it’s become a political issue. We shouldn’t have to walk around scared that we are going to offend people by sounding racist or sexist when we clearly are not. People scared to stand up against it are why it has gone so far. Instead of apologizing for nothing, we need to hold our ground. Now if you were being offensive, yes it’s fitting to apologize. But if someone blew what you said out of proportion just smile, refuse to apologize, and move on with your life.

We can’t always get what we want. Finding things offensive is subjective while the truth is objective. Everyone’s beliefs differ based on past experiences, but the truth never changes. How can we really prove something is offensive? A certain word may trigger one person, but not another. Who gets to decide? Taking away one person’s right to say what they believe will only take away your right as well. I don’t agree with everything everyone does. But I do believe in freedom of speech. We all have the right to express ourselves. You then you need to reevaluate your life if that offends you.

So how does this affect us all?

This “political correctness” mantra is just a way to oppress people and turn everyone against each other. Wouldn’t you agree it’s working? Everyone’s divided on everything. America could easily end up like many European countries. Europeans post so-called “offensive” entries on their social media accounts and are being arrested for it. Even flying their flags is offensive to some people. How is being proud of your heritage a bad thing? You can either be a miserable person that lives in a constant state of anger and anxiety or you can just calm down and live your life. It’s your choice, no one else’s.

Related: Are Millennials The Worst Generation Ever?

Do you think easily offended people affect us all? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

5 Signs Someone Really Is Too Easily Offended. I swear I can't go 5 minutes without "offending" someone these days! It drives me crazy! Everyone needs to read this post. Maybe it will wake up some liberal cry babies. This needs to be shared far and wide!

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